Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1333 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1333 Back to the original encounter (17)

"I think I still want to go to Da Qiao's. I'm really worried about her being alone."

This is probably like a mother worrying about her daughter.

Yan Huan felt that if he was not by Da Qiao's side, Da Qiao would be in danger and be persecuted every minute.

She was swimming around in the room, she was really restless, fidgeting and restless.

[The player is so worried, you can go to Da Qiao]

"But I'm worried that the high priest will find out. That old lady is so old, her eyes are very good, and she is also very shrewd."

It is said that the memory of the fish is not long, but the old lady has a good memory.

If she is found out, she will be taken out of the family tree, and her father and Da Qiao will be pissed off by her.

Yan Huan rested his chin, his worried features wrinkled together, "I don't want to be kicked out of the genealogy either, you said where would I be if I didn't stay in Fan Hai, and if I'm not Da Qiao's sister, I'm even less qualified to stay by her side. "

[Didn't you sneak out last time without being found? 】

"Yes, but I only stayed for three days. After a long time, the high priest will definitely find out."

[Player, I remember that you have a clone technique in your backpack that is still useless]

"When did I ever have that thing?"

The system doesn't know why it remembers it better than the player.

So how did this player with no IQ get all the way to the 20th plane?

[The system rewards after you have cleared Luban No. [-]]

"Damn it! I've also defeated the big-headed dwarf! System, you have a strong taste!"

[Luban No. [-] in that plane is very handsome, okay! 】

The system turned up the volume and was very angry.

The male protagonists produced by the system are all perfect, perfect!

Yan Huan rubbed his chin, "How handsome?"

She couldn't imagine how handsome Luban No. [-] could be?
For a person who has no emotional memory, the system is too lazy to explain to her.

[The player opens the backpack, there should be a clone in it]

In the backpack of the empty space, there is really such a strange thing as the avatar technique.

[Is the player sure to use the clone technique? 】


[The player has used the clone technique, do you give the clone technique movement and expression? 】

That must be necessary, otherwise, how about acting like a puppet?


The mist cleared, and the same little Qiao was swimming slowly in the room, with a deep pink fish tail and half-length silver hair hanging loose, even the irritable expression on her face was exactly the same as hers.

"If someone spoke to her, would she answer?"

【Players can remotely control their avatars】

for example?

Yan Huan looked at his avatar, and asked casually, "Xiao Qiao, how old are you this year?"

Immediately, a reminder immediately appeared in the mind, the person who asked the question, and the content of the question.

She opened her mouth and said, "Didn't anyone tell you not to ask girls' ages?"

The clone imitated her expressions and words, exactly the same.

Yes, since you can receive information remotely and control it remotely, that’s fine.

Although the reminders popping up in my mind from time to time can easily cause schizophrenia, but...

Forget it, it's important to go to Da Qiao first!
Yan Huan waited until late at night, swam out of Fanhai in the same way as last time, and headed all the way to Jiang County.

He also thought that Da Qiao loves to worry and worry, and knowing that she sneaked out from Fanhai again, even if he knew that there was a clone helping her to fool her, he would definitely be worried.

Forget it, don't go looking for Da Qiao yet, she will stay in Xiajiang, anyway, here she can sense whether Da Qiao is in danger.

If there is danger, she will go to help.


[Happy Tanabata! ! !From the cuties who donate and write book reviews today, each one will give 520 book coins! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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