Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1334 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1334 Back to the original encounter (18)

The next day.

Lord Jiheng said yesterday that he would look for him at this hour, and Da Qiao and the others arrived on the river where they stopped yesterday an hour earlier.

Grandfather has been bedridden for many years, unconscious and unconscious, and now lying in the cabin, Sun Ce and Da Qiao are standing on the bow deck waiting for Master Ji Heng to surface.

"I don't know how my father offended that fairy, is he really willing to lift the curse for my father?"

Da Qiao nodded without much doubt on his face.

Lord Ji Heng is also a high-ranking immortal, so he shouldn't come to deceive this little fish, right?
Besides, if you don't want to cancel it, just say you don't want it, why bother coaxing her first, and then go back on your word?
Lord Ji Heng is arrogant by nature, so he should disdain to do so.

"That spirit fairy is very honorable, she won't deceive us at will."

What happened back then has already happened, and it has been several years, and he has tortured his grandfather for several years, no matter how angry he is, he will not be so angry now.

Da Qiao and Sun Ce waited quietly on the deck, and it took about another hour before they felt that something was wrong with the current on the river.

The river was turbulent, the wind was getting louder, and the sturdy hull was shaking slightly back and forth, probably because Ji Hengzun had mainly surfaced.

Da Qiao turned to Sun Ce and said, "The fairy is coming, please don't panic, Mr. Sun, please move your father out of the cabin, okay?"

Sun Ce nodded, hurried into the cabin, and helped the unconscious grandfather out with several others.

Before I saw the original form of Lord Ji Heng, I saw the bright blue hair on his back piercing the water surface, and it became more and more cold under the sunlight.

"Your Highness."

Daqiao bowed respectfully to the dark shadow below the river.

Lord Jiheng only showed a pair of eyes, his eyes were bigger than the heads of ordinary people, and his body alone was several times bigger than the whole ship.

No one had ever seen such a colossal monster before. Everyone stood there in shock, as if petrified, not daring to move, for fear of offending the fish god.

Da Qiao supported his grandfather, and said softly, "My lord, this is the one, please lift the curse on him, thank you very much."

Lord Ji Heng's huge eyes stared straight at the unconscious grandfather. His eyes were born so fierce, the pupils were not round but slender, and he looked like he was not a kind person.

"My lord?"

Seeing that he hadn't responded for a long time, Da Qiao tentatively called again.

Lord Jiheng suddenly lifted his whole head out of the water, opened his bloody mouth, and sucked in a huge gust of hurricane. The people on the boat couldn't stand still and fell to the ground one after another!
Da Qiao tightly grabbed his grandfather's arm and pulled him back from the half-suspended air, so as not to let him be caught in Lord Ji Heng's mouth!

The hull of the boat was hit hard, the body of the black turtle fish was as hard as a stone, the wooden hull couldn't withstand such a huge impact, a big hole was broken under the boat, and the river water poured into the utility room from inside!

If you don't leave quickly, the ship is about to sink!

"Sail the boat, get out of here!"

Da Qiao realized that something was wrong, and pulled his grandfather's arm, "Mr. Sun! You and I will help your father into the cabin together!"

Unexpectedly, Lord Jiheng didn't want to let it go at all, a dark brown aura rushed over, Da Qiao raised his hand to block the dark brown aura with spiritual power, but Lord Jiheng's spiritual power was too powerful, and her cultivation was still shallow , I can't resist it at all!

(End of this chapter)

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