Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 135 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 135 Not the Ake in your memory (40)

Yan Huan's face darkened instantly.

She could imagine that Gao Jianli had the desire to kill someone now.


Yan Huan patted the table angrily, the bowls and chopsticks jumped, Eunuch Hu wished he could disappear on the spot!
Gao Jianli put down his chopsticks, there was a light "click", his face was gloomy and terrifying, the air was filled with oppressive anger, Eunuch Hu felt as if he was suffering from Lingchi!
Why did this unlucky job fall on me?

Gao Jian left his mouth, cold as a knife, "Does Your Majesty want her to enter as the wife of General Hussars, a woman of King Qin?"

Eunuch Hu's legs were so frightened that he immediately knelt down, wishing he could bury his head in the ground!

"General calm down! Your Majesty, Your Majesty didn't mean that!"

In fact, he knew in his heart that the king just wanted to take the general's wife as his own...

Eunuch Hu kept denying it, but Gao Jianli lost his patience, and only uttered a word lightly.


After Eunuch Hu really saluted, he rolled away in a hurry.

Yan Huan also panicked, "Shameless!"

Gao Jianli sneered, "He really dislikes his throne, sitting too securely."

Yan Huan held his hand, with worried eyes, "Don't be impulsive."

Since Zhao Yang recognized her as Roulan from Yuxue Pavilion who came late, he knew that she was not the wife of General Hussars.

Now, I don't know if he doubts whether Gao Jianli's general is a fake.

So there can't be any aggressive behavior, they have to play their roles well, and wait for the master to issue new tasks.

I don't know what this task will be.

Gao Jianli glanced at the servants in the courtyard, and said in a cold voice, "If people outside find out what happened today, you will all die."

The servants knelt down in fear to promise, Gao Jianli frowned, and led Yan Huan back to the bedroom.

Yan Huan thought that he did this because he was afraid of affecting her reputation.

But Gao Jianli has even bigger worries.

He was afraid that this matter would be known by the Lord.

If King Yan knew that King Qin was interested in a female assassin from the Dark Clan, he would definitely stuff Ake into King Qin's harem without hesitation!
There is an eyeliner of his own in King Qin's harem, which cannot be arranged even if he wants to!

He took Yan Huan into his arms and sighed in a gentle voice.

"Ake, I will protect you well."

Yan Huan smiled, "I, do I still need your protection? My ability to protect myself is more than enough."

She raised her face and raised her eyebrows haughtily, "I'm not a delicate flower, I want to stand by your side and fight against the wind and rain, instead of shrinking behind you and waiting for your protection."

Gao Jianli stroked her long hair and smiled with his lips hooked.

His Ah Ke is really different.


Eunuch Hu returned to the palace, tremblingly pleaded guilty to Zhao Yang, but did not invite the general's wife.

Zhao Yang didn't blame him, but just waved him to retreat first.

Originally, he didn't expect Yan Huan to agree.

If she agreed to enter the palace so easily, it would not be his type.

"Song Zhouzhi..."

Zhao Yang just wanted to anger Song Zhouzhi.

If he guessed correctly, Song Zhouzhi was not the real Song Zhouzhi at all.

It was the man who stabbed Roulan with a sword that time in Shangshu Mansion in order to save Roulan.

When people are angry, they will be impulsive, reckless, and act without thinking.

Waiting for this fake Song Zhouzhi to do something drastic, before he can do anything, the master behind him is afraid that his identity will be exposed, so he will deal with him in advance.

 Thank you? Leng Yan? Reward 100 book coins~

  Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 399 book coins~

  (A well-behaved expression of being spoiled)
  Good night everyone~ Enjoy the end of the long holiday~

(End of this chapter)

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