Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 136 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 136 Not the Ake in your memory (41)

Before dawn, Gao Jianli got up as usual and went to court.

It was very cold in late autumn, Gao Jianli left the big heater from under the bed, the bed became cold, Yan Huan simply got up too.

The sky was gloomy, as if it was going to rain, Yan Huan walked to the window and tried to close it, when a pigeon with flapping wings landed on the window sill.

At the foot, there is a small bamboo tube tied.

News from the Lord?
Yan Huan took out the small bamboo tube, the pigeon flapped its wings and flew away again.

In the small bamboo tube, there is a note, the words are like a fly's head, and it is surprisingly small.

"Surrender yourself to kill King Qin."

Yan Huan's hands trembled, his heart felt like falling into an ice cave.

Gao Jianli is the person in charge of this mission, so this note should be for Gao Jianli.

With Gao Jianli's skill and strategy, it is not too difficult to assassinate King Qin, but what about after Zhao Yang is killed?

As an assassin, is he still alive? !

Yan Huan crushed the note in his palm, feeling so angry that his heart ached.

That's right, for King Yan, taking an assassin to exchange the life of a foreign monarch is too worth it!

She was sitting on a chair, with the cool autumn wind blowing into the room, Yan Huan was very clear-headed.

Killing the king of Qin, Yan will be able to rule the world?


Even if there is no king of Qin, it will not be the turn of the king of Yan, who only has intrigues in his heart and has no strategy for governing the country, to dominate the world!
At this moment, Yan Huan was extremely fortunate that Gao Jianli was not here today, so he didn't know the content of the note.

Gao Jianli must not let Gao Jianli know about this!

She can't let Gao Jianli die!
A dark light flashed in his eyes, Yan Huan sat by the window for over an hour, thought and thought, and finally made up his mind.

An hour later.

Yan Huan, who sneaked out from the general's mansion, appeared at the gate of the palace.

She held up Gao Jianli's card of General Hussars, and said blankly, "I am the wife of General Hussars, please see Your Majesty if you have anything to do."

Seeing that she was the only one with no servants behind her, the guard felt a little skeptical, but when he thought about the rumors in the palace, the relationship between His Majesty and this lady...

The guards let her in anyway.

If you have an affair, you really won't take the servants of the general's mansion with you.

He smiled knowingly, watched Yan Huan enter the palace, pointed out a little eunuch to guide Yan Huan, and took her all the way to the imperial study.

Yan Huan appeared calm on the surface, but his heart was actually up and down with anxiety.

Zhao Yang's mansion is too deep, and he can't understand his mind at all.

She didn't know if she would directly pay herself for coming to him this time.

But, she has no choice.

The sky was gloomy and depressing, with heavy dark clouds covering it, as if they were about to fall from the sky at any moment.

The wind blows and it gets cooler.

Eunuch Hu at the gate of the imperial study room saw Yan Huan, as if he had seen a ghost in broad daylight, he even forgot to salute!
Yan Huan glanced at him, then said calmly, "My wife has something to ask to see the king."

Eunuch Hu nodded repeatedly, not knowing what to say, so he hurried in to pass the message.

After a while, he came out with a smile, the creases on his smiling face were stuck together, "Please come in, madam, be careful, madam, be careful of the threshold under your feet..."

Yan Huan ignored him, went straight into the imperial study, bypassed the screen, and went directly to the inner room.

Zhao Yang was critiquing the memorial, he put down his vermilion pen, his eyes were full of interest, and he pursed his lips to speak, like mockery, but also like surprise.

"Heh, what's the wind blowing today? You can't invite people who you can't usually invite, but you found them yourself today?"

Yan Huan deliberately ignored his weird tone and spoke seriously.

"Gu Ningyuan, I want to make a deal with you."

 Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you Midsummer ° half reward 100 book coins ~

  Freefall and spin 360 degrees Kiss!
  The cuties have extra tickets to give to Mengmeng~

  Stretch out my little hand for tickets~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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