Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 137 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 137 Not the Ake in your memory (42)

Zhao Yang came to the fun, put his arms lazily on the armrests of the dragon chair, caressed the gold-plated dragon head carelessly, and repeated every word.

"Gu, Ning, Yuan?"

Yan Huan dragged a chair from the side and sat on it by herself, not afraid of him at all.

"I came to see you today because I regard you as an old friend of Chu State, not as the monarch of Qin State."

The interest in Zhao Yang's eyes was even stronger, his sharp eyes swept over Yan Huan, as if he was thinking about where is the best place to eat this prey.

"We are all smart people, so we won't go around the bush."

Yan Huan smiled, "My master, a message came today asking us to assassinate you."

She said it casually, like it was unimportant news.

Zhao Yang's expression froze, his eyes locked on Yan Huan, a little puzzled.

To assassinate him and tell him the news, what do you want?

Yan Huan continued to speak, softly, "But I don't want to kill you, I... want to kill my master."

Zhao Yang's expression finally changed.

This little girl is really unique and strange.

"I need you to cooperate with me..."

With a smile on her lips, she unhurriedly spoke out her plan.

At the end, he added a sentence, with a firm tone, "I don't think you will refuse."

Zhao Yang smiled, his eyes were deep, and he looked at her with deep appreciation.

He lowered his head, twirled his thumb, and said slowly, "You guessed right, Gu will not refuse, but... your companion, Gu's Hussar General, does he agree?"

Yan Huan's eyes flashed.

If Gao Jianli knew, he would definitely not agree!

She smiled, although her tone was still cold, but there was a bit of pleading.

"He doesn't agree, so I still want to ask the king, you must... keep an eye on him, and don't let him find me."

Zhao Yang raised his eyes, glanced at her lightly, and pointed to his heart.

"Gu Ke can't see him, what kind of skill he is, even if Gu forgets it, he won't forget the wound on Gu Xin's mouth."

Yan Huan raised his eyebrows, and said affirmatively, "Ask your imperial hospital to bring me a bottle of highly effective drugs. When I faint him, you put him under house arrest."

Zhao Yang smiled, "Aren't you afraid that if you send him to me, I will kill him?"

Yan Huan pursed her lips, her eyes gleamed with determination, as if she was the king who looked down upon the world with arrogance.

"If you dare to kill him, I promise, you will also go down to accompany him."

She changed the subject, "And you won't."

Although Zhao Yang had deep thoughts, he also had the courage to speak his mind as a king.

Such a conceited person like him would only fight with Gao Jianli in the open, and fight with Gao Jianli secretly, he disdains him.

Zhao Yang stood up from the dragon chair, walked slowly in front of Yan Huan, and looked down at her with dark eyes and unclear emotions.

"Have you ever thought that if you go like this, you probably won't come back."

In fact, what Zhao Yang really wanted to ask was, is it worth it just for a man?

Is that how you want that man to live?

If I die, the man will live, at most it will be sad for a while, but in the future, why not marry a wife and have children, live a happy life?

Zhao Yang has lived for more than 30 years, and he has always been alone. He has had enough of plots, plots and assassinations. No one has ever paid so much for him, regardless of life and death.

He has never been cared for and protected, so when he saw Yan Huan treat Gao Jianli like this, besides being puzzled, he felt a little sour in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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