Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 138 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 138 Not the Ake in your memory (43)

Yan Huan sighed softly, with helplessness on his face, but thinking of Gao Jianli, his eyes were so gentle that water would drip.

"Like a person, it is blind, live for him, die for him, how can you consider whether it is worth it or not?"

Yan Huan raised his eyes, and his smile deepened, "You won't understand."

People from the Tai Hospital sent a bottle of drug, which is said to be so effective that it is easy to bring down ten cows.

Add a little to meals or tea, and people who take traditional Chinese medicine will fall asleep for three days.

Three days is enough.

As the king of a country, Zhao Yang has no problem keeping a person under house arrest, right?

Yan Huan took the medicine, bowed respectfully to Zhao Yang, and prepared to leave.

Zhao Yang looked at her resolute back, loneliness flashed in his eyes, he hesitated to speak, but finally he didn't say anything.


With the medicine in his pocket, Yan Huan sneaked into the General's Mansion again stealthily.

Lunch time has passed.

Gao Jianli had something to do today, so he told her when he went to court in the morning, and he would not be back until evening.

Yan Huan slipped into the bedroom, took off his clothes and lay down on the bed, then weakly called the maid to come in.

The maid thought she was really unwell and slept on the bed all morning.

With the bottle of drug in her arms, she was thinking about how to let Gao Jianli take the drug.

Everything is arranged, don't let this mess up!

The order from the Lord was for Gao Jianli to assassinate King Qin.

Yan Huan was lucky, he was too brave, he didn't let Gao Jianli know, but he made a plan with King Qin to assassinate her master, and King Yan went.

This time, I probably won't come back with my life.

[Player mentally retarded! 】

A system that hasn’t come out for a long time, it’s rare to come out to speak, and it’s just to scold her -_-||
"The system..."

[The last time I used the delay card stubbornly, this time I will die if I insist on my own way? 】

"Last time?"

The system is silent.

Yan Huan fiddled with the medicine bottle in his hand, propped his head up, "System, what are you saying, why did I put the medicine in him?"

[When Gao Jianli was at his lowest defense. 】

Nonsense isn’t it -_-||
Of course she knew that she had to do it when his defense was at its lowest, otherwise how could such a shrewd assassin like him not discover the drug?

"I'm asking if you have a specific method?"

[300 diamonds. 】

"When I didn't ask."

The system is inexplicably arrogant and unhappy, Yan Huan, a miser, oh no, a drill slave.

When it comes to spending diamonds, I'm even more upset.

If you don't say the method, then she will think for herself.

It was getting dark and there was no light in the room, Yan Huan frowned in the dark room, thinking and thinking.

When he was at his lowest defense?
Is it when he is in deep affection and infatuated, is the time when his defense is the lowest?
Ding dong your head!
Yan Huan felt that his IQ was on the line!

She lit the candlestick, and the warm yellow light shone down, warming the hearts of those who illuminated it, and felt empty in the hearts of those who did bad things like her.

Yan Huan lifted the lid of the teapot, and there was a pot full of tea inside. She raised her hand, unplugged the stopper from the medicine bottle, poured some into it, mixed it well, and put it back to the original place.

(Keep Marxism nice)
Familiar footsteps sounded outside the door, Yan Huan held down his beating heart, took a few deep breaths, hid the medicine bottle, and walked over to open the door.

A man with a handsome face came in, wrapped in the cool air of late autumn, he stretched out his hand to untie his cloak and put it on the shelf, then took Yan Huan's hand.

"What did you do all day?"

This is a sentence he usually asks when he comes back from work every day.

But today, Yan Huan's heart skipped a beat.

 Thanks to opple for rewarding 100 book coins~kiss~
  Mengmeng is too sleepy, there is still one chapter left to make up tomorrow (guilt to finger)

  Tomorrow, I will be recommending on the news flow. If you have a recommendation ticket or a small amount of extra money, I hope you can reward Mengmeng tomorrow~ Kiss you~ (Twist pp to sell cute)

(End of this chapter)

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