Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 139 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 139 Not the Ake in your memory (45)

Gao Jianli blushed instantly.

But the woman under him, as if she had discovered something novel, her eyes were as bright as stars, staring straight at him.

The trapped beast howled in his chest, his mouth was parched and his heart was beating faster. He tried his best to restrain his desire, and his eyes were stained with scarlet.

Gao Jianli turned over and got out of bed, picked up the teapot on the table, and drank it without thinking.

He can't have her.


The coldness outside the bed gradually calmed down his crazy mind, Yan Huan looked at his straight back with his clothes half uncovered, feeling distressed and guilty for a moment.

She deliberately provoked the fire, and in the end Gao Jianli had to be exposed to the cold to restrain his desire.

Bullied him, and refused to give him meat.

It's so unkind...

"We will get married after all, you don't have to care so much..."

Gao Jianli took a deep breath, his eyes became clearer, he lay back on the bed, and squeezed her hand.

"I'm not sure if I can give you the future, but now, I can't have you."

He embraced Yan Huan's shoulders, closed his eyes, spoke affectionately, and his raised lips revealed a sad heart.

"One day when I die, you should marry well, live well, and keep your body clean. Your husband will know that although my Ake has suffered a lot, she is still a good girl worthy of his care."

Yan Huan's nose soured, and tears rolled down his face.

He was afraid that he would not be able to stay together for a lifetime, so he did not dare to touch the momentary joy.

Yan Huan clasped his hands tightly, tears dripping into the pillow, "My husband, it's you, and it can only be you!"

Wanting to be with Gao Jianli, everything she does now, and in the near future, is to be with Gao Jianli.

Drowsiness struck, Gao Jianli didn't know that it was the effect of drugs, and he heard A Ke's slightly hoarse voice.

"Gao Jianli?"


Yan Huan kissed his lips, "No matter what I did, please forgive me..."


Ah Ke will never harm him.

Consciousness gradually blurred, just before Gao Jianli fell into sleep, A Ke approached his ear and kissed his earlobe.

"Wait for me, I will definitely come back."


Yan Huan rolled over and got off the bed, quickly put on a neat outfit, her hair was tied up high, and she pulled out the double-edged bayonet from the drawer, the cold light appeared, revealing a bloodthirsty edge.

She raised her hand and put on the mask, the ferocious demon covered her alluring face.

Now, she is Ake.

Outside the General's Mansion, Zhao Yang was wearing a black cloak and leading more than a dozen hidden guards, waiting in an alley beside him.

Zhao Yang didn't know why he had to leave the palace and come to see her off.

Probably, it was a pity that she would never return.

It's rare, it's rare that there is a woman who can arouse his strong desire to conquer.

Perhaps, he really likes this woman.

In the dark night, a person fell lightly from the wall, Yan Huan was also surprised when he saw Zhao Yang.

"How did you come?"

Zhao Yang concealed the emotions in his eyes, and only glanced at her lightly, "If you regret it now, there is still time."

The mask covered half of Yan Huan's face, only her lips curled up.

"One day more Yan King lives, one day less freedom for us."

At this time, either obey or resist!

She would never allow Gao Jianli to obey King Yan's order and assassinate King Qin to death.

Therefore, King Yan must die!
Zhao Yang's face was deep, watching her get on the horse, and whispered orders to the hidden guards around her.

"Be sure, keep her alive!"

 Thank you Fengjiu for not drinking and rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thanks for the 360-degree somersault!

  Sudden driving, sudden braking...

  Rourou will be there, um... no hurry, no hurry...

(End of this chapter)

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