Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 140 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 140 Not the Ake in your memory (46)

Yan Huan got on his horse and left the city overnight.

[Player, are you sure you want to do this? 】

The night is very dark, and the dew is even deeper, and the pair of eyes under the mask are shining with firm light.

"If I think about it, I won't regret it."

[Repeat, hidden mission: alive. 】

She has a plan in her heart, she will not die.

Zhao Yang still has a conscience, and sent her more than a dozen elite secret guards to protect her, and...

She still has the last life-saving talisman!
The plan was careful, she believed in Zhao Yang, such a small matter, it is easy to do it well.

When all this is over, she and Gao Jianli can be together forever.

There will be no prince of the dark clan and assassin Ah Ke in the world anymore.

No matter how chaotic this troubled world is, let it go!

She and Gao Jianli only wanted to live their own lives.

That night, according to Yan Huan's plan, the sound of fighting came from the imperial study, the imperial doctor was announced into the imperial study overnight, and pots of blood were brought out.

Early the next morning, Zhao Yang did not go to court.

It was only said to the outside world that the king had contracted a cold and was recuperating.

At first, everyone thought that King Qin had really caught the cold.

But on the second day and the third day, King Qin still did not go to court.

How could it be possible for the new monarch, who had just ascended the throne, not to go to court for several days in a row?

The spies placed by the King of Yan in the Palace of the King of Qin found out what happened in the imperial study that night after a little inquiring.

King Qin, most likely he was assassinated and injured!
It's still very serious, and I can't even go to court!
So he quickly wrote a letter and sent it to Yanwang Palace.


Qin Palace.

In the dungeon under the Royal Study Room.

The layout of the dungeon is not like a cell, except that it is darker, it is no different from an ordinary bedroom.

When Zhao Yang came in, Gao Jianli had just woken up.

He raised his eyes, and when he saw Zhao Yang, he became fierce instantly!

Gao Jianli touched his waist, but as expected, he didn't feel the soft sword.

He spoke in a cold voice, with a cold killing intent in his eyes.

"You caught me? Where's Ake?"

Zhao Yang lowered his head and twirled the wrench in his hand, and when he raised his head again, the emotion in his eyes was deep, and his smile was calm and breezy.

"Ake? This name is too masculine, Roulan sounds better."

Speaking of Roulan, his brows and eyes softened.

Zhao Yang looked at Gao Jianli, and spoke casually.

"It wasn't Gu who arrested you, it was your wife who said you were an assassin from the Yan Kingdom, stunned you with drugs, and sent you to the palace."

Ah Ke?

Gao Jianli frowned, his expression still blurred after a long sleep.

He remembered that he and Ake were so infatuated that night that he drank a whole pot of tea.

Because he was in a hurry to drink and his mind was in a mess, he didn't pay attention to the taste of the tea. Now that he thought about it, the tea was probably drugged.

Otherwise, with his sensitivity as an assassin, it would be impossible for him to sleep for so long.

Was the drug really given by A Ke?
Zhao Yang raised his chin, raised his eyes, and the smile on his lips was very mocking.

Yes, he is jealous.

Jealous of Roulan, in order to protect this man, to be with him, she would even give up her life!
His heart was full of sourness and jealousy, and the loss and helplessness he couldn't get made him want to destroy their loving relationship!

Zhao Yang pulled up the chair and sat down slowly opposite Gao Jianli, raising his eyebrows innocently.

"You don't believe me? She said that you are one of the best assassins in the country of Yan, and you wanted to assassinate Gu, so she captured you and gave her to Gu in exchange for her freedom."

He watched the color of Gao Jianli's eyes change obviously, and a sense of joy rose in his heart.

Yes, he promised Roulan that he would not kill this man.

But he didn't agree, and he wouldn't try to break them up.

 Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 498 book coins~

  Thank you Nanyu Twilight for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Kiss, hug, hold high and rub your chest! (manual funny)

(End of this chapter)

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