Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1351 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1351 Back to the original encounter (35)

What a dear father, if he said to be in confinement, he would be in confinement, and the guards immediately dragged Yan Huan to a small dark room and locked him up.

In a dark room with nothing in it, her father called her to sit quietly and practice spiritual energy, but in fact it was...

Want to suffocate her.

She still wants to find Da Qiao, why did she just lock her up like this?Her father is probably not a fool.


Her angry cries echoed in the small room, surrounded by darkness, this small room is very familiar to Yan Huan, Xiao Qiao has been locked in countless times since she was a child, this small dark room was tailor-made for her of.

hemp eggs.

Very annoying.

This small dilapidated house was sealed from the outside by her father's aura. There wasn't even a window, oh no, there wasn't even a gap, so she couldn't escape at all.

If she wanted to forcefully rush out with spiritual power and seal it outside the house, her father's spiritual power would definitely respond.

So she can only worry about Da Qiao here?

[Player mission progress: 20%]

"What is the progress of the task?"

[It is the designated character and the strategy character, and the favorability of the other party reaches 20%]

"Is it considered that the strategy is completed when the progress is 100%?"

[Progress 100%, the player guards the designated character and the Raider character in this plane and loves him forever, even if the plane Raider is completed]

It still sounds a bit wobbly.

After all, there are too many accidents that can happen in this life.

Yan Huan rolled in the water twice in agitation, "How do I get out of here?"

[Didn't your father say that you will only be locked up for ten days, so that you can reflect on yourself? 】

Ten days?It has been a long time!

"But I want to go out now."

[The patriarch and high priest of the red carp clan are ready to go to heaven to report on Lord Jiheng]

"I know, but I still want to go to Jiangjun. I'm always worried about Da Qiao being there alone."

Yan Huan rolled his eyes at the air sullenly, "Isn't it because your system is a pit, every time there is a magical turn that makes people overwhelmed? Who knows if something will happen to Da Qiao when I'm not here?"

[It's not a system pit, but there must be a cause for every effect. Everything you do may lead to a different plot direction, or even a different ending]

"Since you said that this plane is my auxiliary designated character strategy, I always feel that something will happen to Da Qiao, my intuition."

[The plot is determined by you, player]

With the words of the system, Yan Huan couldn't help but start to reflect again.

It was her first time to conquer this kind of plane. After all, Da Qiao's thoughts were not her own. She couldn't figure it out, so she was a little nervous, always feeling that something was going to happen.

But if she kept looking at Da Qiao and couldn't let Da Qiao and Sun Ce cultivate their relationship alone, it would be very contradictory. She obviously wanted to help Da Qiao and Sun Ce grow old together.

"I don't know what to do now, how to help Da Qiao, this plane makes me a little confused and nervous..."

[Players just let nature take its course, if the No.20 plane strategy is unsuccessful, there will be No.30 plane]

Then we have to wait here.

She wanted to return to the real world as soon as possible. It would be best if she could successfully conquer this plane and skip all types of planes.

"I want to get out."

[Does the player spend 2000 diamonds to ask the system to help and force the player to go out? 】

Yan Huan:. . .

At the end of the day, it was about diamonds.

"Forget it, let's go, I'm a poor bastard."

Don't worry, I haven't sensed that Da Qiao is in danger yet, and when Da Qiao needs her in danger, she can go out again.

(End of this chapter)

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