Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1352 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1352 Back to the original encounter (36)

Jiang County.

The market that used to be lively in the early morning is no longer lively. Occasionally, the vendors who come out to sell things in twos and threes are all timid, and the shoppers are even more frightened. They take things and leave the money and run quickly. When I got home, shopping became like a thief.

There was a cloud over the entire Jiang County, and the depressive people couldn't breathe, because everyone was worried and afraid, whether there would be any more evil things happening, and whether it would happen to them.

Da Qiao hid her figure and aura, and stayed in the Sun's mansion to prevent what happened last time. She could help secretly.

Sun Ce was really a dutiful son, he had to go to his grandfather's room several times a day, whether it was his grandfather's complaints, dissatisfaction, or helplessness, he listened carefully and persuaded him earnestly.

Probably after seeing him for a long time, Da Qiao felt that Sun Ce was the best-looking mortal she had ever seen.

When he was taking care of his grandfather in his grandfather's room, Da Qiao sat on the chair beside the room and watched him, his gentle eyebrows, and his warm smile.

He would also find a place by himself, with his brows furrowed and his face gloomy, thinking blankly, worried about the strange things in Jiangjun.

Da Qiao found that when Sun Ce was not with her, he spoke normally, he would not stutter, nor would he lower his head in embarrassment to look at people. In short, he was much more natural.

Sometimes, he would think of Big Joe.

Every time Da Qiao saw himself appearing in his memory, he was both happy and flustered.

For some reason, being thought of by Sun Ce, she just felt her heart beating fast, flustered, and her face became hot.

She once thought that she had been away from the water source for too long, which was why she had this abnormal phenomenon, but in the end, she had to admit that this feeling seemed to be what was written in the book, and she liked it.

Big Joe couldn't believe it.

She, a fairy of two or three hundred years old, actually fell in love with a man who was younger than the weak crown in the mortal world?The age difference is too big.

Da Qiao enjoys staying in the mortal world and guarding Sun Ce silently, she is willing to just watch him quietly.

Until another evil incident broke out in Jiangjun.

People in Jiang County use water from the wells in their yards.

The well water is groundwater and does not connect to the Xiajiang River. Therefore, so many people drowned in the Xiajiang River before, the well water is still light and has not been affected.

But today, all the well water was mixed with dark yellow. Some people drank it without paying attention. As a result, it was as if they were infected with the plague. They became seriously ill that day, and the doctors were at a loss.

The plague spreads quickly, even if you haven't drank the well water, because the neighbors around have the disease, the disease will spread and spread, just like a terrible monster coming to harvest, and human life is as light as grass.

Da Qiao quietly used spiritual power to protect the body of the Sun family members, but even the Sun family servants were infected with the plague!

It means that there is no mortal poison or dirt in the well, but someone cast a curse with spiritual power in it!

And this kind of spiritual power is far above Da Qiao's spiritual power, so her spiritual power can't protect these mortals.

The domestic servant was infected, and Sun Ce didn't ask someone to remove him from the Sun's house immediately, but went to see him in person and made medicine for him.

Knowing that the plague will be contagious, but still like this, isn't it a joke with your own life?
Da Qiao superimposed layers of spiritual power on Sun Ce, but helplessly, Sun Ce fell ill that night!

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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