Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1353 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1353 Back to the original encounter (37)

The plague is like a gust of wind that blows sharply. The outbreak spreads too fast and cannot be controlled at all.

All the people in Jiangjun seemed to be cursed, the plague would not spread to other places, only Jiangjun was shrouded in the terrible cloud of the plague.

With the malicious spiritual power of the curse, Da Qiao can now be sure that this is exactly the same method as dealing with Sun Ce's father, and there is no one else except Lord Jiheng.

He's crazy?
Are you really afraid that this will let the heavens know?You don't even want your fairy position, just for revenge? !
Not only Sun Ce fell ill, but people in Jiang County fell ill one after another. Da Qiao sent a message to Xiao Qiao, but there was no response.

She thought that Xiao Qiao might have gone to the heaven with her father and the high priest, but one day in the sky and one year in the ground, the Jiang County plague could not be delayed.

The more anxious and flustered, the more clueless and at a loss.

Da Qiao waited for a few days, Sun Ce became more and more ill, his face was pale, his eyes were sunken, his pulse and heartbeat became weaker and weaker, Da Qiao couldn't wait any longer.

After everyone fell asleep at night, she secretly transformed into a figure and sat beside Sun Ce's bed.

The strong bitter taste of mortal herbs just didn't have any effect on Sun Ce's illness.

Da Qiao looked at the familiar eyebrows, eyes and facial features, he was tortured to death, haggard and sick, his lips were white and slightly chapped due to lack of water.

It rained a few days ago, and everyone used bowls to catch the rainwater to drink, but now, Jiang County has no normal drinking water.

Da Qiao felt distressed, and raised her hand to gently press against his face. She used her spiritual power to create water, which entered Sun Ce's mouth, and then raised her hand to gently wipe off the water stains from the corners of Sun Ce's lips. Unexpectedly, Sun Ce suddenly opened his eyes.

His pupils were confused and slack, and he slowly focused. He looked at the woman in front of him with gentle brows like water, and a blush of excitement and disbelief appeared on his sickly and decadent face.

"Ahem! It's you? It's really you! When did you come?"

His voice was hoarse and weak, and his eyes were rarely so bright. He stared at Da Qiao closely, his pupils trembling slightly, as if he thought it was a dream.

"I... I actually..."

Sun Ce suddenly thought of something, pushed Da Qiao lightly, frowned and said hurriedly, "Go, leave Jiangjun quickly, the plague and evil things are spreading in Jiangjun now, you...cough cough! You are very dangerous here !"

Da Qiao grabbed his hand, "I'm here to save you. What you got was not a plague, but a curse. All the wells in Jiang County are cursed. If you don't treat them quickly, you will die..."

Sun Ce didn't hear what she said at all.

He looked down at Da Qiao holding his hand tightly, her face was nervous and worried, she was worried about herself.

"You... came here specially for me?"

The wick of the candle suddenly crackled, and Da Qiao came back to her senses, her face was flushed, her eyes were hazy with water, she was gentle and not like a woman raised by the world.

"I want to save you."

"Actually... ahem..."

Sun Ce raised his hand and coughed heavily, his face softened by the halo, and he said slowly, "You are not a mortal, are you?"

Da Qiao looked up at him, a little surprised, "How do you know I'm not a mortal?"

"You can not only go into the sea to find a cursed fairy, but also save a mortal whose soul has been sucked out. Moreover, I think your appearance and temperament are like a fairy in the sky..."

Da Qiao pursed her lips, "Why don't you think I'm a monster? The human form of a monster is also extremely beautiful."

(End of this chapter)

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