Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1354 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1354 Back to the original encounter (38)

"Most monsters are harmful. How can you be so kind as you, and use half of your heart to save my father..."

Da Qiao frowned slightly, "Then I may approach you for a purpose, to treat you well in advance, just to lower your vigilance and make you careless."

Sun Ce bent his lips and smiled, "Then I would also like to let you approach."

His words hit Da Qiao's heart unpreparedly, Da Qiao blushed and lowered his eyes.

"You gods, why did you come down to earth? Was it because you did something wrong and you were demoted to earth?"

His eyes were very curious, and Da Qiao's voice was soft and faint, "I'm not a fairy from heaven, I'm just a fairy from Fanhai."

When she first came to the mortal world, the high priest gave a lot of advice, never to tell mortals her identity, mortals have deep thoughts and are good at disguising, who knows what kind of malicious intentions they will have when they learn the identity of Lingxian?
But Da Qiao, I am willing to talk about this with Sun Ce.

Chatting with Sun Ce is different from chatting with Xiao Qiao.

She talked with him about her own childhood, about his childhood, about the troubles of practicing spiritual power, and about the depressing depression at the bottom of the sea.

She said that she envied the mortal world, which has lively fireworks, mountains and rivers, and more laughter and laughter, not like in the bottom of Fanhai, where the rules and regulations are a huge net wrapped around them, and no one can escape. , also unable to break free.

The candle burned shorter and shorter, and the tears of the candle pooled into a small puddle on the lamp stand. Sun Ce was a little depressed. He was still ill, and now he couldn't lift his spirits up.

Da Qiao suddenly thought of a word, the oil is exhausted.

Her heart suddenly burst into pain, "Go to sleep first."

Sun Ce's face was tired, and his eyes were sleepy and listless, but he still stared at Da Qiao, afraid that she would leave if she opened his eyes again.

Big Joe bent his lips and smiled, "I like talking to you very much. When you wake up, I will talk to you again. I won't leave."

Her voice is gentle and can soothe all tedious and troubled emotions.

"Will you stay here forever?"

"Will do."

She didn't look like she was lying, and Sun Ce also believed that she would not lie.

He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.

The candle was about to burn out, and the halo in the room gradually weakened and blurred, and finally the wick fell into the candle tears, making a slight "chi" sound.

Da Qiao sighed lightly.

The cursed spiritual power is only passed into the mortal body through the well water, and it is not as serious as it is directly injected into the mortal body.

If she gave Sun Ce spiritual power, two different spiritual powers collided in his body, and he probably wouldn't survive tomorrow morning.


She knew that the blood of the red carp clan could eliminate all cursed evil spirits that were not too heavy.

Those infected by other mortals like Sun Ce should be curable.

However, if her body is damaged and bleeding, she will not be able to use her spiritual power for a hundred days, no different from ordinary people.

Jiang Jun's current situation, if she becomes like an ordinary person, she will not be able to predict the next danger.

She sent a message to Xiao Qiao again, but there was still no response.

At dawn, no matter whether Xiao Qiao replied or not, she would save Sun Ce with blood.

He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to survive these two days, so he couldn't drag on any longer.

Da Qiao sat quietly in the dark, Jiangjun was very quiet, and occasionally there would be dogs barking at night, but now, it was so quiet that even the sound of the wind blowing by could hardly be heard.

The night of waiting was long.

(End of this chapter)

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