Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1360 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1360 Back to the original encounter (44)

After leaving Sun Ce's house, some people went in the direction of Fan Hai.

The people of Jiangjun have always believed in the saying of the fish god. After being reminded by Sun Ce, everyone wanted to come to Fanhai to pray to the fish god, hoping that the fish god would help.

Originally, it would not take long to go to Fanhai by boat from the Xiajiang River, but now on the Xiajiang River, not to mention taking a boat, no one dares to get close to the riverside.

After walking along the river for several days, everyone finally reached Fanhai.

Where the waves of the sea are calm, it is noon, and the golden sun shines on the sea. The broken golden light is beautiful and sacred, and cannot be desecrated.

Everyone knelt down towards the sea, kowtowed and prayed devoutly.

I pray that the fish god will descend, eliminate the monsters that endanger Jiangjun, cure everyone's plague, and restore Jiangjun to its former lively vitality.

Everyone knelt by the sea, praying respectfully. After a while, the waves on the sea gradually became rough, as if something was about to come out from under the sea.

"The waves seem to be getting bigger..."

The leader quickly pushed down the head of the person who was speaking, and then apologized ramblingly, for fear of offending the fish god.

Everyone was excited and looking forward to it, but they still bowed their heads and knelt by the seaside, praying respectfully.


The sound of water breaking.

The person in the lead raised his head tremblingly, and carefully glanced at the sea surface, a cloud of spiritual energy surrounded the huge body of the fish that floated out of the sea.

The fish was very unusual, with long bright blue thorns erected on its back, as thick as a hundred-year-old tree, cold and imposing.

Has any mortal ever seen such a behemoth?Another species of fish that has never been seen before.

The only person who saw the fish was also from the Sun family who was out of the river that day, and he did not come.

These people naturally thought that this was the fish god.

"The fish god has appeared! The fish god has appeared!"

The leader shouted back and kowtowed more respectfully, while the people behind shouted in unison.

"Master Fish God! I beg you to save our people in Jiang County!"

"I beg you to eliminate the plague in Jiang County!"

"The monster is only you who can cure him!"

A deep voice came out from the bottom of the sea, and the black turtle fish opened its eyes, and the pupils stood up, making people feel inexplicably afraid.

Everyone thought that the Fish God was so intimidating and majestic.

"There are indeed monsters in Jiangjun."

Everyone wanted to smash their heads against him and begged, "I beg Lord Fish God to show mercy and eradicate that monster!"

The black turtle fish in the sea said lightly, "Eradicate? If you eradicate her directly, those of you who have the plague will die together with her."

"Ah? What should I do then?"

Those who are timid and afraid of death have already cried, "Master Fish God, please save us, we really don't want to die!"

"The plague you contracted was all caused by her magic spell on you. If she is not willing to remove the demon spell for you, then the only option is..."

When it came to an important point, he suddenly got stuck.

Everyone's appetite was uncomfortable, and they asked, "What should I do?"

"Before she dies, she must use her blood to treat you."

her blood?

How could the monster be willing?

"You don't need to worry that you won't be able to defeat that monster. The monster has harmed too many people before, and has been condemned by God. Now it is no different from ordinary people. With so many of you, you can completely defeat her."

The fish god kept talking about her, and everyone didn't even know who she was.

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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