Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1361 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1361 Back to the original encounter (45)

"May I ask Lord Fish God, where is the monster you mentioned now? But in Jiang County?"

The deep and indistinct sound of the black turtle fish sinking into the sea can still be heard clearly by mortals.

"Jiang County, Sun Family Mansion."

The Sun Family Courtyard?

Everyone looked at each other.

"Okay! It turns out that Sun Ce hid the monster. No wonder we haven't been allowed in!"

"That's right! You lied to us that the monster is a fairy teacher! Pooh!"

"Fortunately, Lord Fish God heard our prayer, otherwise we would still be kept in the dark!"

Everyone stood up filled with righteous indignation, patted the gravel on their bodies, and turned their heads to rush back aggressively.

The leader respectfully knelt down and kowtowed to the sea again.

Only then did the fish god say that before the monster died, her blood must be used to save everyone.

But remember, you must not kill that monster directly!

Yan Huan, who was locked in the small dark room, woke up with a shock in his sleep.

Daddy said that she would be locked up for ten days, and today happened to be the tenth day.

She didn't feel that Da Qiao was in danger here, so she just stayed there for ten days in such a daze, being a salted fish waiting to die.

Outside the small black room, the spiritual power held by Dad gradually dissipated, and Yan Huan could barely use his own spiritual power to detect the movement outside.

The bottom of the sea is so quiet, have you all woken up to practice today?

She quietly waited for the spiritual power to dissipate completely, and she transformed out of the small black room, the bottom of the sea was still groggy and dark.

It seems that there is something unusual and weird flowing in the water waves, mixed with a heavy smell of blood.

Bloody smell?

What happened during the time she was locked in the small black room?
With a flustered heartbeat, she was swimming around indiscriminately, unable to feel any spiritual power, or even feel any signs of life.


Her trembling cry echoed in the dull and silent seabed, but there was no response.

"anyone there?"

Still a quiet silence.

nobody? !

How can it be? !
The red carp family has lived at the bottom of Fanhai for thousands of years, and they haven't changed for so many years. How could they suddenly disappear?

Even if, even if they want to migrate away from Fan Hai collectively, it is impossible for Dad and the others to forget her!

"Is there anyone? Is there anyone? Can you respond?!"

She yelled hysterically, but there was no response, nothing at all, it seemed that she was the only one left in Fan Hai Hai Di.

A sense of fear gripped her heart, her whole body froze, and she raised her hand with difficulty, creating a dark pink halo of light in the palm of her hand.

Looking around, she was really the only one left in the empty seabed, as if she was the one who was abandoned by everyone.

Then the smell of blood just now...

Is it...

impossible!With daddy and the high priest still alive, it is impossible for the red carp clan to be...

and many more!

Could it be that someone attacked the Red Carp Clan while Daddy and the High Priest were going to the Heaven Realm?

All... died tragically?

Her heart was throbbing as if it was being held hard, her whole body was trembling uncontrollably, tears poured out of her eyes, merging with the sea water, she didn't know whether she was crying or not.

Big Joe, Big Joe...

She quickly probed with her spiritual power in her heart, and there was nothing unusual about Da Qiao.

Fortunately, Da Qiao was not at the bottom of Fanhai at that time, and fortunately she was fine.

What Yan Huan didn't expect was that Da Qiao was no longer a spirit fairy, but an ordinary mortal. What she detected with her spiritual power now was still in the state where Da Qiao used her spiritual power for the last time a few days ago.

(End of this chapter)

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