Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1362 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1362 Back to the original encounter (46)

No, she has to go to heaven to find her father and the high priest, and tell them about it quickly!
Yan Huan swims in Shanghai, the sun is golden, warm and scorching hot.

The whole Fanhai was so strangely quiet, she frowned and looked around, feeling uneasy in her heart, and it was not appropriate to stay here for too long, so she quickly turned into spiritual energy and rushed to the Nine Heavens.

Their spiritual power can be regarded as lowly little fairies, and they are not qualified to enter the heaven.

Yan Huan was stopped outside the Nantian Gate, the heavenly soldiers guarding the Nantian Gate looked cold and unkind, and Yan Huan spoke anxiously.

"I am the Spirit Immortal of the Red Carp Clan in Fanhai. All the Red Carp Clan in Fanhai Sea have been killed by unknown people. The patriarch and high priest of my clan are in the heavens. I want them to go back as soon as possible! "

One of the heavenly soldiers replied to her blankly.

"In the past ten days, no one from Fanhai's red carp clan has gone to heaven."

Nearly ten days?
Nearly ten days in the heavenly world, isn't it ten years in the mortal world?
Impossible, she just locked up in the mortal world for ten days in a small black room. It stands to reason that Dad and the others should have entered the heaven just now.

"How is it possible? My father said that he was going to the heavenly realm to report to the Heavenly Emperor about Lord Jiheng's evil deeds in the human world. How could he not come up?"

Yan Huan wondered if it was because of her convulsions in the head, or because this Heavenly Soldier was forgetful.

Another heavenly soldier also interjected, "It's true, please go back."

How could it not?How can it be? !
She frowned in disbelief, Tian Bing said expressionlessly.

"If you didn't see him go to heaven with your own eyes, how can you tell whether he is in heaven or in Fanhai?"

A blow to the head woke up Yan Huan who was in doubt.

Her atrium was terribly numb from the shock, her breathing was difficult, as if someone had strangled her throat, her eyes widened in disbelief, and her heart ached.

"At the bottom of Fanhai? In other words..."

It was hard for her to speak, and it was hard to admit it.

There is no sign of life at all on the bottom of Fanhai, and there is not a single surviving red carp tribe.

Her father, the high priest, and so many red carps in the sea were all slaughtered.

Yan Huan didn't know how he got down from the heaven.

Confused, her head was in a mess, her heart was throbbing and numb, she didn't know what she should do now.

Who killed the red carp family?
Even his father and the high priest, even with so many red carps, aren't his opponents?

One person, or a group of people?

No, it can't be a group of people. Fanhai has strict rules and regulations. If a group of outside creatures not belonging to Fanhai invaded, they would have known about it.

A person.

A person with great ability and strong spiritual power, who has a feud with the red carp clan.

Apart from Lord Jiheng, she really couldn't think of anyone else.

Because daddy and the others were going to the heaven to report his crimes in the mortal world, so he acted first and killed daddy and the others first?
What a high-ranking fairy, that black turtle fish is a monster like a devil!

Da Qiao, she must protect Da Qiao now!

A fierce murderous aura came from behind, and Yan Huan rushed to the top, the palm of his hand turned into a spiritual light, and saw a dark cloud of spiritual energy just passing by under her feet.

The black turtle fish has not left yet!
From the blurry and dark front, there was a sentence that made people's scalp tingle, and Yan Huan froze when he heard it.

"I forgot about you little fish, where did you come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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