Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1363 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1363 Back to the original encounter (47)

"I guessed it was you, you killed all the red carps?!"

Xuan Guiyu snorted, "The patriarch and high priest of the red carp clan have such low spiritual power. I killed them just to let them reincarnate as soon as possible and start a new practice as soon as possible."

Yan Huan was trembling with anger, could a high-ranking god do whatever he wanted?

Lingxian's life is not life?

She was so angry that she was about to rush up to fight him, but on second thought, even her father and the others were no match for Xuan Guiyu, so she rushed up to die in vain.

No, I don't care about settling accounts with him now, the most important thing now is to go out to find Da Qiao and protect Da Qiao!

Yan Huan turned into a ball of spiritual energy and rushed towards the sea surface. The huge net bag covered the sky and covered the sky. She tried to dodge to hide, but she couldn't dodge.

The huge net slowly came down, the persecutors couldn't breathe, Yan Huan tried his best to resist with spiritual power, but he couldn't resist at all.

Originally transformed into spiritual energy, but now forced to return to its original form, she swung her fish tail and struggled to swim upstream, but she couldn't swim up at all.

The black turtle fish's spiritual power was already much stronger than hers. Now that he had killed so many members of the red carp clan and devoured so much spiritual power, his spiritual power became stronger and stronger.


【Does the player need help? 】

"Yes! I want to escape!"

[Player, to tell you the truth, you spend so many diamonds now and want the system to help, it is better to save them for later]

"What in the future? I'm going to die now, and you still tell me the future?"

What nonsense!


Her spiritual power was scattered, and the giant net covered her body, getting tighter and tighter!

Limbs and bones were about to be strangled, and the spiritual power in her body was oppressed, as if being torn apart slowly, she didn't even have the strength to moan due to the pain.

The system is unwilling to help her.

Why is the system unwilling to help her?

No, isn't the system responsive as long as diamonds are used?

Yan Huan was strangled to death.

A slight sound of water flowing can be heard in the ear, and it seems that there is also Da Qiao's voice.

"Little Qiao, why don't you answer?"


Her pupils suddenly dilated, and a flash of light flashed in her mind. She suddenly remembered something that she could ignore before!
"Clone! Come out quickly!"

She forgot that she still has a clone that can replace her!

The avatar replaced Yan Huan, who was wrapped in a giant net of spiritual power. Yan Huan escaped from the giant net, flew into a ball of spiritual energy, and quickly rushed to the surface of the sea.


The sound of water breaking, she was lying on the beach coughing violently, the dull pain in her chest was severe, and her whole body was in pain, as if the internal organs of the whole body were all torn apart.


She was lying on the beach, she didn't even have the strength to move, but she still stood up and walked forward.

The black turtle fish is an aquatic creature, he was banned in the Xiajiang River, and the Fanhai and the Xiajiang River are connected, and they are considered to be the same water area, so he was not noticed by the people of the heavens when he went to the Fanhai.

But if he landed on the ground, he would definitely be noticed by the people in the heavens.

He won't come after him, and he doesn't dare to come after him.

He has committed a heinous crime now, and the crime is added to the crime. If he is known by the heavens, he will definitely have his bones removed, and he will no longer be a fairy for life.

Yan Huan clutched his chest, trotting forward with difficulty.

She didn't know where she was now, nor where she was going, she only knew that she had to run away from Fan Hai.

 Update three chapters this morning~

  Happy fourth birthday to Mengmeng~hahahahaha

  Going out to eat delicious food ~ Thank you for your blessings ~ I love you Meng ~ I will also be happy today!

(End of this chapter)

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