Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1364 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1364 Back to the original encounter (48)

Her spiritual power was broken up by the black turtle fish. Without spiritual power, she is no different from ordinary people now, and it takes extra effort to walk.

Her whole body was in pain, and she was numb with pain. She no longer felt pain, and she was exhausted.

The road ahead is so long, she really can't move...

Yan Huan supported the tree trunk beside her, feeling top-heavy, and the scene in front of her eyes became more and more blurred.

She can't fall down, she still has urgent things to do.

Her eyes darkened, and her last thought when she fainted was that she was going to Jiang County to find Da Qiao.



A drop of cold water fell on her face, Yan Huan struggled to wake up from the dark whirlpool.

The blur in front of my eyes gradually became clear, and my whole body hurt like being run over by a wheel.

Yan Huan opened his eyes with difficulty, the roof above his head was made of withered grass, the summer was rainy and humid, and the house smelled musty.

Headache, more pain in the body, especially the chest, as if the heart was torn apart.

"Cough cough cough..."

Just as she opened her mouth to speak, the pain in her chest made her cough violently.

"Wait, don't talk, I'll get you some water."

The man's voice from the side was gentle and unfamiliar, but it could be heard that there was no hostility.

After a while, he brought in water for Yan Huan, which was packed in a small bamboo tube.

The spring water is sweet and has the fragrance of bamboo leaves.

Holding the small bamboo tube, he helped Yan Huan sit up, and carefully fed her water.

"Don't talk in a hurry. You seem to be seriously injured. I checked your pulse. Your pulse is weak and dissociated. You need to rest well."

His eyelashes are very long, and they are also very delicate and beautiful, and his voice is gentle.

After the man fed her water, he raised his eyes to look at her. His eyes were brown and red, and they didn't look domineering, but warm.

Yan Huan slowed down his breathing, trying to slow down and calm down as much as possible.

She grabbed the man's arm, her eyes were burning eagerly, her voice was hoarse and rough, "Do you know Jiangjun? I'm going to Jiangjun, and I'm going right away!"

The man looked embarrassed, "Are you going to Jiangjun?"

Yan Huan nodded heavily, "No matter how far it is, I will go there, please tell me how long it will take to get to Jiangjun from here?"

The man shook his head, "No, you can't go there now. A great plague broke out in Jiang County, and most of the people there were infected. Wherever you go now, you are looking for death."

plague? !
The plague of mortals, Da Qiao is a spirit fairy, and it will not infect her.

Yan Huan shook his head, he didn't look too scared or worried.

"It's okay, I'm really going there to find a very important person, please tell me how to get there."

The little girl fainted in the jungle, and he brought her back.

At that time, I took her pulse. She was in poor health, and now she is going to Jiang County?
Jiang County is not far from here, it can be reached in two or three days by carriage, but the plague there is said to be very serious, and... not only the plague is scary.

"Take care of your body first..."

"I'm going now!"

The man was taken aback by her excitement.

Yan Huan frowned, tears welled up uncontrollably, and his voice was crying urgently.

"Sorry, my family has just suffered a huge change. I really want to go to Jiang County to find my sister. Please tell me how to get there."

The man's expression was tangled, he sighed, and finally had no choice but to compromise.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll go outside to see if I can hire a carriage for you, but the earliest I can start is tomorrow morning."

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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