Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1368 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1368 Back to the original encounter (52)


In the early morning, a thunderclap broke the sky, and Da Qiao woke up from the dream. He sat up immediately in shock, sweating profusely, his face was pale, and he was gasping for breath.

Her heart was flustered, it was beating very fast and violently, and her throbbing chest felt a little painful.

I just dreamed that there was bright red blood in front of my eyes, the familiar smell of blood, and my eyes were scarlet.


It seemed that he had dreamed about a massacre, but now that he woke up, he forgot everything completely, but the panic in his heart couldn't dissipate.

Because it was raining, the sky was gloomy, and the sky was gray. The lamps and candles in the room had been burned out after a night, and now the room was dim and dim.

Da Qiao lifted the quilt and got out of bed. She had a nightmare and felt weak all over. When she got out of bed, her legs softened and she almost fell to the ground.

She has no spiritual power now, can't communicate with Xiao Qiao, and can't sense the current situation of Daddy and Xiao Qiao.

It is said that dreams are the opposite of reality.

So bloody in the dream, in reality... there shouldn't be any changes.


There was another burst of thunder that seemed to be digging into the mountains, and Da Qiao's frightened heart trembled again.

"Big Joe?"

It was Sun Ce's voice. He knocked on the door twice, and Da Qiao went over and opened it.

The rain was blowing, the smell of moist soil and green grass, Sun Ce held a bamboo bone umbrella and looked at her pale and haggard face.

"Did the thunder wake you up? It's okay, you go back to sleep, and I'll stand by the door and watch over you."

Big Joe shook his head.

It has been several days, and no one from the heavens has come down to manage Jiang County's affairs.

No one from the red carp clan came to help, and she was alone in Jiang County.

Coupled with the nightmare she had last night, she is now very flustered and anxious, always feeling that something is about to happen, or that something has already happened.

"No, I can't sleep anymore."

It was raining heavily, and the thick dark clouds did not disperse or tend to become shallower. Instead, they became heavier and heavier.

She looked at the sky, dazed for a moment.

"Big Joe?"

She was in a daze for a while, but Sun Ce interrupted her dull gaze.

Sun Ce frowned and sighed heavily, "Do you have something on your mind these two days? I've seen your complexion not being good all the time. If it's convenient, you can tell me, although I may not be able to help you. I’m busy, but you’ll definitely feel better if you say it.”

Da Qiao shook her head, her mind was heavy, she didn't want to say anything now.

Suddenly, I heard noisy voices not far away. In the quiet atmosphere, this kind of voice was particularly abrupt and abnormal.

From far to near, slowly getting closer and closer, the voice of speaking is also getting louder.

Sun Ce's face changed suddenly, and his brows were tightened, "Oh no! It's probably that group of people who came to the door again!"

He also didn't care about talking to Da Qiao, so he quickly opened the bamboo bone umbrella and hurried to leave, intending to go to the front yard to block those people.

He turned his head and said to Da Qiao quickly, "Find a place to hide, I'll go ahead and deal with it first! Don't come out!"

Da Qiao nodded, closed the door, and watched Sun Ce leave through the half-closed window, her heart suddenly sank in pain.

At the gate of the front yard, the people who came this time were extremely aggressive, and even the pouring rain could not extinguish their fiery anger.

"Sun Ce! Come out to me! Hand over that monster! Otherwise, don't blame us for killing you and your father!"

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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