Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1369 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1369 Back to the original encounter (53)

monster? !

Why are you insisting that the monster is in the Sun's mansion now?

Sun Ce sighed heavily, patiently again, and explained through the door.

"I have already said that there are no monsters in the house. If there were monsters, wouldn't our Sun family have been harmed by monsters long ago?"

Everyone didn't believe his words at all.

"You open the door! You open the door first!"

"Yes! Why do you keep talking with the door closed! Could it be that there are some shady monsters hiding in your house?"

"You are hiding monsters, what are your intentions!"


Another loud slam on the door.

Others, seeing that Sun Ce had been delaying opening the door, took a ladder to climb over the wall next to the door.

Sun Ce looked back at the main courtyard, guessing that Da Qiao should have hidden away by this time.

He asked the servants to open the gate, and immediately a dozen or twenty people poured in, standing fiercely by the gate with weapons in hand.

"I have already opened the door. If you don't believe me, you can see if there is anything unusual in our courtyard."

His tone was serious, "Why do you keep clinging to the Sun family? Now you even say that monsters are hiding in my house?"

The leader snorted coldly, "Don't talk useless nonsense! Even the fish god said that the monster is hiding in your house, and you still want to deny it?"

As he said that, the leader led the people behind him, and angrily searched around the Sun's house.

"Fish god? What fish god? Is it the fish god of Fanhai?"

One of them rolled his eyes, "What else?"

Fanhai... Da Qiao is also Fanhai's fairy.

Impossible, how could the fish god of Fanhai be so good at making trouble out of nothing, saying that monsters are hiding in his house?
Gritting his teeth angrily, he punched Sun Ce hard on the shoulder.

"Sun Ce, I really underestimated you as an honest person. Did you make a deal with the monster? She helped you kill everyone in Jiangjun, and the whole Jiangjun is yours?"

"That's right! You're crazy, you actually made a deal with monsters, and even harmed people in your own county?!"

"What's the point of talking to him! Let's go find that monster! While she has no demon power now, drain her blood! Hurry up and save the sick people in Jiang County!"

Several people rushed to look for monsters in the Sun Family's compound, while the rest of them clasped Sun Ce's shoulders and pressed him firmly to the ground.

Also from Jiang County, Sun Ce didn't want to be their enemy.

Everyone is sick and wants to survive, so it is normal to be so reckless.

He was thinking about what that person said just now, what is it called, kill her and let the blood dry?

Is this what the fish god said?
The fish god also knows that Da Qiao's blood can save people suffering from the plague?But why do you say that Da Qiao is a monster, instead of saying that she is a fairy?
"The fish god you see is the fish god in Fanhai?"

The man holding him said impatiently, "You have already asked, why ask again?! It was praying in Fanhai, and the fish god heard our prayers, so he appeared!"

"Then that fish god... what does he look like?"

The man clicked his tongue, "Why do you talk so much nonsense? Of course the fish god is like a god. In that original form, we have never seen it before. The blue thorns on the back are thicker than this tree!"

and many more!

The thorn in the back!

Isn't that the fish in the gorge?
It was the spirit fairy who hated his father before, sucked his father's soul, and beat Da Qiao into a serious injury!
He even said that Da Qiao is a monster, and let these mortals kill Da Qiao and drain Da Qiao's blood!

(End of this chapter)

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