Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1371 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1371 Back to the original encounter (55)

Sun Ce's fists were overwhelming, and there were many of them with weapons. He knocked down four or five people, but was severely stabbed in the shoulder by someone behind him with a dagger.

Blood gushed out immediately, and he couldn't use his left arm, so he was kicked to the ground immediately!

A few people came over with thick hemp ropes and tied up Sun Ce, cursing and swearing.

"I'm going to die and I'm still struggling here! Bah! You need to be beaten!"

Sun Ce was tied up and thrown beside his grandfather, his eyes were slightly red, "Father, are you alright?"

Grandfather's face was bitter, "I'm not afraid of death, but she...she was called a monster even though she was kind and wanted to be killed."

Sun Ce approached and comforted in a low voice, "It's okay, I've already told her to hide, they can't find her."

"What are you talking about!"

Kicked him hard from behind, Sun Ce was injured on his shoulder, but after being kicked, a little blood spilled from the corner of his lips.

He frowned in pain, and only looked in the direction of the main courtyard, hoping that Da Qiao would not be discovered.

The members of the Sun family were tied up and thrown on the open space in the courtyard. The timid women cried and begged for mercy.

"Say, have you ever seen that monster? Where is that monster now?"

The servants were trembling with fear, and their voices trembled violently.

"We don't know who the monster you are talking about is and what it looks like..."

The leader frowned.

He didn't know what the monster looked like.

Someone next to him said, "It's that very beautiful woman who cured the old man's stubborn disease before!"

Da Qiao is now living in the main courtyard. These domestic servants seldom come to the main courtyard. Even if they come, Da Qiao will not come out in the side room. They should have never seen him.

But a timid woman spoke up.

"I, I just met the woman you mentioned a few days ago..."

Sun Ce's sharp gaze swept over, and the woman shrank her neck.

She looked up at the leader, crying and begging.

"If I say so, can you not kill me? I'm really not a monster, I really don't want to die, please!"

"Say it quickly! If you dare to lie to us! Your life will be killed now!"

The woman nodded again and again, ignoring Sun Ce's sharp eyes and threats, and spoke on her own.

"It was raining heavily that day, the young master came in from the outside and ran all the way to the main courtyard. I wanted to pass the umbrella to the young master, so I followed him into the main courtyard. I saw the female doctor who treated the master before, Standing right in front of the side room..."

She glanced at Sun Ce, lowered her head and continued, "I see that the female doctor has a very close relationship with the young master. We didn't know that the female doctor came back and was still living in the main courtyard. The young master hid her. Yes, it has nothing to do with us!"

She begged the leader bitterly, "Please let me go, I really didn't know that female doctor was a monster, otherwise I would have told you all!"

Sun Ce was gasping for breath, no matter how much he scolded, it was useless, he only regretted not paying more attention to the servants at home.

"Close relationship? Okay, Sun Ce, I didn't expect you to get involved with monsters?"

The leader kicked Sun Ce hard again, smiling sinisterly, with bloodthirsty murderous intent in his eyes.

"Drag Sun Ce to the middle, and cut off his flesh one by one! I don't believe that since the monster likes you, he will be willing to let you die, will he show up to save you?"

(End of this chapter)

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