Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1372 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1372 Back to the original encounter (56)

Da Qiao was on the beam of the house and could clearly hear the voices outside.

They want to kill Sun Ce?

No, she absolutely can't ignore it...

"You fools, the fish god is not the fish god at all! He is the monster that harmed Jiang County! You believe in the monster, and you want to attack the real good fairy!"

"If you kill her! You will never try to cure the plague again! You can only wait to die!"


With a painful cry, Da Qiao's heart was lifted to his throat!

"Big Qiao, don't come out! If you come out, you will die one more person, don't... um!"

This time Sun Ce held back and just hummed in a low voice.

How could she have the heart to cut off Sun Ce's flesh, how could she be willing to see him suffer such pain?
She couldn't hide here with peace of mind, watching Sun Ce being tortured, and watching innocent people in the Sun family die because of her.

Da Qiao jumped down from the beam, without thinking too much, she opened the door and left the room, walking towards the yard outside.

From a distance, he saw Sun Ce lying on the ground, with several puddles of blood on his clothes, his expression was pale and painful.

"Don't embarrass him anymore! I'm coming out!"

Sun Ce was in a trance from the pain, but he still heard the familiar voice.

He closed his eyes in pain, heaved a long sigh, and turned to look at her.

"Big Joe, why do you..."

Da Qiao stared straight at the head of the strong man, "I know that even if I explain that I am not a monster, but a fairy, you will not believe me."

"I have come out, so please don't embarrass the Sun family, my blood really cures the plague."

At the beginning, she also wanted to save these people.

She has been suffering in her heart for the past few days. Heaven has not sent anyone to deal with this matter, and she can't just watch so many innocent people die in Jiangjun.

In fact, she has long wanted to save people with her own blood, as much as she can.

It's just that she didn't expect that under the frame of Xuan Guiyu, she would now save them with her own blood in the way of monster atonement.

"Big Joe! You're crazy! You're going to die! They're eating people without spitting out their bones!"

"Big Joe, run away..."

The man who was holding Sun Ce knocked Sun Ce out impatiently.

The leader looked at her suspiciously, "Can your blood really save everyone?"

He didn't dare to try it first, so he called a person in the crowd who was also infected with the plague, cut Da Qiao's arm with a knife, and fed the blood to that person.

In a short while, the man's sickly pale complexion gradually returned to normal, and his physical strength and spirit also recovered a lot.

"It really works! Her blood can really save people!"

The crowd at the back all flocked to come to the front, staring intently at her, and those eyes could make her cramp, skin her skin, and eat her flesh and throat.

Da Qiao clutched her injured arm and said with a cold face.

"You let the people of the Sun family go, let them all go! Otherwise, I can commit suicide immediately. My blood after death cannot save people!"

This is the first time Da Qiao lied.

Her heart was beating wildly nervously, but she still looked at the leader calmly, not to be outdone.

"Untie them all, let them go!"

Grandfather's face was full of tears, and he looked at Da Qiao. Da Qiao nodded at him, "Take Sun Ce away, you guys go, don't stay in Jiangjun."

Now who cares about other people, everyone's eyes are on Da Qiao to survive!

"Get a basin, no, bring a bucket and let her blood out!"

 Today's update is over~

  Diligent Mengmeng online update in advance——

(End of this chapter)

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