Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1373 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1373 Back to the original encounter (57)

Yan Huan walked around Jiangjun for a long time but couldn't find the Sun's mansion.

At the entrance where you came in, there was a cracked and damaged stone tablet more than ten meters in front of it. It was originally written with the word Jiangjun.

The strange thing is, Yan Huan walked in Jiang County for two hours, and she met this cracked stone tablet three times.

In other words, she was still in this area after going around, but she was just trapped in this area and never went out.

The hazy black mist here in Jiang County is probably also a cover-up to prevent outsiders from breaking in.

It's a pity that now Yan Huan doesn't have spiritual power, and this blindfold seems to be just to fool ordinary people, but now even she is stumped.

She stood where she was, staring blankly at the gray-white slab beneath her feet.

I always wander around in different ways, I will only get more and more sleepy here, I have been walking in a straight line, can I go out?

Even if you can't get out, you should be able to find out where the blinding barrier is set.

Yan Huan was sweating profusely, pursing his lips tightly, worried and dull.

Keep going forward.

When she met the house on the road, she still walked in a straight direction after bypassing it.

From the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a figure flashing in the alley on the left.

someone else? !

Yan Huan rushed into the alley and saw that there was no one around, as if the figure just now was her hallucination.

"anyone there?"

No one responded.

hallucination?Or is it a phantom of someone else trapped in this blindfold?

Yan Huan walked out of the alley, and walked quickly according to the route he had planned in his mind, paying attention to the alley next to him while walking.

There are people over there!

It was still the same figure, but now it was walking forward with its back to her!

That figure from the back is Zhou Yu!
Yan Huan stood there in shock.

No, didn't Zhou Yu leave at that time?

How could it appear in Jiang Jun's blindfold now?Could it be that this blindfold also has the effect of confusing the mind, and can repeat the people and things she has seen before?

"Zhou Yu!"

Zhou Yu kept walking forward, his steps were not dull and weak, and he occasionally looked at the scenery on both sides.

Yan Huan was really puzzled.

If it is a phantom, it is impossible for him to walk in different steps, and it is impossible to look sideways at the surrounding scenery, because he is just a puppet in a blindfold.

"Zhou Yu! Zhou Yu!"

She ran towards that alley, but before she got halfway there, the overwhelming dark fog came over her.

This is the edge of blindness!
"Zhou Yu! I'm Xiao Qiao! Is that you? Can you hear me?!"

The dense fog made it impossible for her to see clearly what was in front of her. She was in unknown danger, and Yan Huan's heart instantly rose to her throat.

She always felt that some monster would suddenly appear from this dense fog, or, a hand would suddenly appear, tightly strangling her throat!
Yan Huan was panting with difficulty, her voice was tentatively softer, "Zhou Yu?"

She took a few steps back, the thick fog behind her dissipated slightly, she suddenly raised her hand and bit her own hand, the fingertips were bloody, her hand was shaking, and tentatively and slowly stretched out towards the thick fog ahead. shot.

Although she has no spiritual power, she seems to feel that the barrier in front of her is disintegrating because of her blood.

This layer of enchantment is really just to prevent outsiders from entering and fooling mortals.

The barrier was broken, and Yan Huan called again, "Zhou Yu?"

In the thick fog ahead, someone grabbed her hand suddenly, so frightened that she instinctively screamed and wanted to withdraw her hand!
(End of this chapter)

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