Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1385 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1385 Love Will Never Die (6)

As the wind blew up and the waves swelled, the fish on the shallower surface sank into the slightly deeper water one after another. Yan Huan and Da Qiao hid in the depths of the sea, looking at the big boat on the sea surface that was hindered by the strong wind.


The pouring rain suddenly poured down, the wind continued, and the bright lightning flashed in the distance between the sea and the sky, which made people's heartstrings tense.

With such heavy rain, if there is no place to dock again, the whole ship may not be able to stay on the sea tonight.

The sails of the ship were lowered early, and the long and straight mast seemed to be broken in the storm. The ship stopped moving forward, and was carried by the wind and waves and completely lost its direction, becoming a lone boat in the boundless sea.

If it goes on like this, let alone survive until the sea is calm, even if it hits a rock, everyone on the ship will follow and drown in the monstrous sea.

"Bo Fu, what should we do now?"

The man leaning on the railing of the bow frowned. He was standing in the heavy rain, soaked all over, with calm and deep eyes.

"Is there a guiding lamp nearby?"

The man beside him shook his head, "The rainstorm came suddenly, I think the people stationed at the lampstand hadn't had time to light the lampstand."

In the vast sea, there is not a little light.

"Staying here can only sit and wait for death. You and I have no way of knowing how far from the shore. Letting down the boat at the stern, it's better to give it a try..."

"Look, Bofu, there is a bright blue light over there?!"

The oncoming torrential rain made people unable to open their eyes. Sun Ce wiped the rain from his face and looked in the direction Zhou Yu pointed.

In the dark and hazy heavy rain, a little bit of blue halo can be vaguely seen in the distance.

"Is that the lampstand?"

The light from the lampstand should be warm yellow, but the blue halo is really weird, never seen before.

"It is expected that someone should be showing us the way. Perhaps the guards stationed at the lampstand have no time to go up to light the lampstand, so they came up with this idea."

Sun Ce looked serious, "If the demon spirit is causing trouble... let's just forget about it."

I don't know why, in this violent storm, the sound of the wind made everyone on the bow deck unsteady, but Zhou Yu felt a softness in his heart.

He instinctively felt that there was no danger ahead.

"Bo Fu, have you heard the rumors about the fish god of Fanhai? I think it might be the fish god of Fanhai who saw us in trouble and came to help us."

Zhou Yu looked at the blue halo in the distance with soft eyes.

"If it's really a demon spirit, why don't we just kill us and wait for us to go there by ourselves?"

Sun Ce hesitated for a moment, nodded in agreement, and directed the helmsman to steer the boat that way with difficulty. Yan Huan and Da Qiao waited for a long time in the heavy rain before the big boat docked.

"It's Shore! My lord, this is Shore!"

"We're docked!"

Someone on the boat shouted excitedly, completely forgetting the rules, Sun Ce's hanging heart fell back to his heart, and he looked at the woman standing on the shore.

Her brown hair was braided into a waist-length braid behind her, and her bangs were blown by the wind. She was carrying a bright blue lantern, her skirt curled up, her face was beautiful, and the storm didn't wet a single strand of her hair or a piece of her skirt.

She bent her lips and smiled politely at Sun Ce.

Eyebrows are gentle like water, yet very familiar.

A strange feeling arose in Sun Ce's heart. He nodded stiffly, and the heart in his chest, which had just returned to normal rhythm, suddenly beat violently.

This woman is very familiar. He seems to have seen her face like this before, but he can't remember where he saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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