Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1386 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1386 Love Will Never Die (7)

"Thank you two girls for guiding me here, I am very grateful, but..."

Sun Ce frowned slightly as he looked at Yan Huan and Da Qiao's wet dresses and hair.

Da Qiao smiled and didn't shy away, "We are the fairy of Fanhai, and this is my sister."

Yes, is it a fairy? !

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu's surprised eyes suddenly changed. He bent his knees and was about to kneel down to salute, but was stopped by Da Qiao.

"No need."

Sun Ce's heart was beating even more chaotically, the wind and rain were so loud that even the blower couldn't stand firmly in the wind and rain.

Da Qiao lifted the lantern and walked in the front to lead the way, his voice was gentle and ethereal in the wind and rain.

"This is not a place to talk, the rain is so heavy, why not find a place to rest?"

As she walked forward, Yan Huan glanced at Zhou Yu and followed her steps.

Those who disembarked from the boat sought a nearby place to rest for the night, and then packed up and returned to Wu County the next day. Sun Ce and Zhou Yu followed behind them, soaked from head to toe, and remained silent.

Thinking of something, Yan Huan looked back at the two men who were drenched and embarrassed. Although they really didn't look very handsome in the wind and rain, these two faces were exactly the same as those of Sun Ce and Zhou Yu in the previous life.

She raised her hand to form an enchantment on the two of them, blocking the violent storm.

Yan Huan took another look at Zhou Yu, turned around and walked a few steps faster, walking side by side with Da Qiao.

Facing her back, Zhou Yu said in a stiff tone, "Thank you."

I picked an inn nearby, the rain was still on, the waiter leaned on the front desk and dozed off, Yan Huan knocked on the front desk table, "Wake up, it's time to start business."

The waiter in the shop wiped the saliva from his mouth, but his eyes were still dazed, so he said habitually, "Eat or stay in the shop, everyone?"

Da Qiao glanced at Sun Ce and Zhou Yu who were drenched all over, "Open three rooms first, and fetch some hot water to bathe them, thank you."

Xiao Er hurriedly responded, and Da Qiao was about to conjure up a pearl and hand it to him, when Sun Ce took out an ingot of gold from his waist and put it on the table.

rich people.

Wealth is not exposed, and a small inn actually throws out an ingot of gold, isn't it because you are not afraid of others seeing the wealth?

Yan Huan followed Da Qiao upstairs, and the rooms arranged by Xiaoer were connected together. Sun Ce and Zhou Yu each lived in one room. Yan Huan caught a glimpse of Zhou Yu's hand pushing the door, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

She stared at Zhou Yu's right hand with rounded eyes, and she was indeed right.

She didn't pay attention in the wind and rain before, but now in the candlelight, she finally saw clearly.

Yan Huan grabbed Zhou Yu's hand and pressed him so that he wouldn't let him push the door in. His eyes were inexplicably hot, staring at his right hand.

Zhou Yu was taken aback for a moment, and let her hold his hand, not understanding what happened.

Yan Huan stared at the imprint on his hand, her voice was dry, and her tone was stiff, "The tiger's mouth on your right hand, is this... injured?"

On the tiger's mouth of his right hand, there is a circle of fuzzy teeth marks.

You can't get it wrong, it's tooth marks.

Zhou Yu looked down at his right hand, bent his lips and smiled gently.

"It wasn't caused by an injury. It was there when I was born. My mother said it was a birthmark."

Birthmarks... from birth...

It is impossible for Yan Huan to forget that in her last life, Zhou Yu firmly prevented her from sending her to save Da Qiao and Sun Ce. What she clung to was Zhou Yu's right hand, even the position of his birthmark is exactly the same now. .

The birthmark, the scar from the previous life, has become his birthmark in this life...

(End of this chapter)

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