Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1389 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1389 Love Will Never Die (10)

Even though Sun Ce and Zhou Yu were worried, Ke Yanhuan insisted, and Da Qiao nodded in agreement.

It was windy and windy outside, even though they were fairies and not ordinary mortals, it was not a good time for the waves to be rough and dangerous.

"Why don't we go tomorrow? It's still not safe at night."

Yan Huan smiled, "Not safe? Fanhai is our home, how can we say it's not safe when we go home?"

Her words were playful, she raised her chin slightly, her youngest daughter's scolding, her pink eyes were tender and lovely.

Zhou Yu looked away in embarrassment, and frowned, not knowing what to say.

Yan Huan dragged Da Qiao to the door of the room, "My sister and I will leave first, you should rest early, don't wait for us to come back."

She opened the door, and a gust of damp cool air was blown in by the wind. It was raining heavily outside, so Yan Huan quickly closed the door.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu's faces were solemn, and both were a little worried.

"It's late at night, the wind and rain are so strong outside, going to Fanhai...will it be dangerous?"

Zhou Yu felt uneasy, but still raised her hand and patted Sun Ce's shoulder, "Don't worry, spirit immortals are no better than ordinary people."

Yan Huan told them to go to bed early, but Sun Ce left a light for them, intending to wait for them to come back.

The torrential rain tonight is strange. It stands to reason that the torrential rain in summer should not have lasted so long.

The enchantment body supported by spiritual power can't be invaded by wind and rain, Da Qiao glanced at the dark sky covered by the moon, "It's okay, if it rains heavily, let's swim back to Fanhai, as long as we don't get close to the residence of the red carp clan, won't be found."

Among the rules of experience, one of them is that before the master's wish is fulfilled, he cannot return to Fanhai, and those who violate it will be directly removed from the red carp clan.


With the sound of splashing water twice, Yan Huan and Da Qiao jumped into Fan Hai, and the transformed fish tail quickly moved the sea water behind them, swimming very fast.

It was raining heavily outside, the waves on the sea were turbulent, and the sea was also undercurrents.

"Sister, can you use your spiritual power to find out where the Eternal Tan is?"

Da Qiao's practice is steady and steady. Although Yan Huan's spiritual power is comparable to hers, but she has been fishing for three days and drying the net for two days.

Da Qiao stretched out her hand, and a blue aura bead appeared in her palm, and she threw the aura bead out.

"Nowadays, the sea is surging. The more severe the weather is, the more suitable it is to practice and improve spiritual power. There are many spirits under the sea who are taking advantage of this opportunity to practice. The spiritual power is mixed, and it may be difficult to distinguish."

Da Qiao frowned, "Besides, the Eternal Tan is just a legend recorded in the classics. We are not sure whether it exists or not."

makes sense.

The classics are just the personal statements of the previous patriarchs. Who knows if they are real or just imagined by the patriarchs?

"Let's find out first, I have a hunch that it should exist."

The aura bead slowly moved forward, and Da Qiao and Yan Huan followed it to swim forward. The bottom of the sea was dark, and they only relied on this bit of blue light to illuminate their progress.

Yan Huan suddenly thought of her previous life, when she was released from the small dark room, in the quiet and dark seabed of Fanhai.

It is so heartbreaking and powerless for the whole family to be wiped out.

Now she is in the dark, if there is a little light in front of her, if she can hear the sound of fish swimming around, if she knows that Da Qiao is by her side, but she is still a little scared and flustered.

Da Qiao took her hand, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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