Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1390 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1390 Love Will Never Die (11)

The words are gentle, incompatible with this darkness, and seem to be able to break the suffocation that this darkness brings to Yan Huan's heart.

Yan Huan held her hand tightly, and followed the spirit beads to swim in an unknown direction.

"I can't feel the breath of many living creatures over there, shall we go there?"

Yan Huan was a little worried, she was afraid of encountering such a perverted psychopath like Xuan Guiyu again.

Da Qiao didn't look too scared, "There are no living things, probably because the spiritual energy is strong and disordered. Ordinary spiritual immortals can't bear the influence of this powerful spiritual energy and will avoid it."

She took Yan Huan's hand and swam forward for a while, then stopped.

Da Qiao turned around and looked at Yan Huan's dignified and deep expression, and smiled.

"If you're afraid, why don't you wait for me here, and I'll follow the beads to see what's going on, and then I'll come back to you?"

Yan Huan shook his head resolutely, "I'm not afraid, I'll go there with you."

In her last life, she regretted why she was not with Da Qiao all the time, which led to her being helpless in the end and being killed by a group of mortals.

In this life, she will absolutely follow Da Qiao every step of the way.

The further the aura bead swims, the slower it will be. When it reaches an unknown place, the aura bead hangs in the sea and stops moving.

It seemed that the resistance from all sides was too heavy, and it trembled slightly, but it just stopped swimming.

"Perhaps Eternal Tan is not far away, and the aura bead should be controlled by the powerful aura, making it unable to move.

Da Qiao raised his hand and poured some spiritual energy into the bead. The azure halo of the spiritual energy bead became brighter and brighter. It turned suddenly and rushed out to the left!
"What happened to it?!"

I have never seen the spiritual energy beads rushing so fast, like crazy.

Da Qiao was in a hurry, the imprint between her eyebrows lit up, her face was tense, "It seems to be attracted by some spiritual energy, I can't control it!"


Could it be the aura of Eternal Tan?
It doesn't make sense, that spiritual energy doesn't belong to their red carp family, how could it attract Da Qiao's spiritual energy beads?

"Take it back quickly! I'll help you!"

Yan Huan frowned, her heart was beating violently, her tense fingers were cold, and she rested on Da Qiao's wrist, and together with her, used spiritual power to recall the spiritual energy beads.

I can feel an inexplicable and powerful attraction, like a tug-of-war, the spiritual energy on both sides is tightly locked together. Fortunately, Da Qiao has Yan Huan to help, and the spiritual energy on their side is even worse, and they forcefully pulled the spiritual energy beads back !

The blue bead slowly floated back to Da Qiao. Da Qiao grabbed the bead and breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Huan also breathed a sigh of relief, "Take back the spiritual energy beads, it seems that this place is not far from that weird place, let's go and see for ourselves."

Da Qiao nodded, and now he can already sense the place where the great attraction has just been produced with his spiritual power.

They swam in that direction, and the closer they got, the more they felt the coldness climbing up from the soles of their feet.

Yan Huan's scalp was numb, and he shivered uncontrollably.

Right in front, that's where Da Qiao's aura beads were almost sucked in just now.

And that is also the place where the aura is the strongest nearby, a powerful aura that they have never sensed before.

It should be the legendary Eternal Tan.

It was dark and there was no movement.

But I can hear the sea in front, there is a strange sound, it is definitely not the sound of fish swimming.

Yan Huan was shocked!
Someone else is actually looking for Wan Gu Tan? !
(End of this chapter)

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