Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1391 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1391 Love Will Never Die (12)

Not knowing whether it was a mortal, a spirit, or a monster, Yan Huan pulled Da Qiao and hid behind a big rock below. The two of them hid their aura together and listened quietly to the movement ahead.

Yan Huan's inner feelings became stronger and stronger.

The aura beads transformed by the red carp clan have never been able to be attracted by other auras.

Even if it is a powerful foreign aura, it can only destroy and disperse the aura beads, and the beads will not swim to that place like they just went crazy.


impossible? !
Can the system not always produce some inexplicable NPCs?

Yan Huan quietly used his spiritual power to conjure up a group of swimming lantern fish, and the faint halo barely illuminated the half of the unknown figure in front of him.

Although it was very vague, even though it was not clear, Yan Huan recognized it at a glance. It was the tail of a mermaid from the red carp clan!

That's... a member of the Red Carp Clan?
Dark brown, it's a dark brown fishtail!
The hierarchy of the red carp family can be seen from the color of the fish tails. She and Da Qiao are both red carps. Because they are women, they have orange-red fish tails, while the dark brown fish tails belong exclusively to men. , besides the patriarch's father, is... Senior Brother Ruihuan?
The strange sound gradually disappeared, until there was no sound at all, and the strong aura sense just now could not be felt, Yan Huan then swam out from behind the big reef.

"Just that..."

Da Qiao frowned, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

Yan Huan sighed, "You also sensed it? That's a member of our red carp clan."

Da Qiao shook his head, "It can't be Daddy. If Daddy wanted to investigate the Eternal Tan, he would not have waited until this time, and deliberately chose it in the middle of the night when the weather is so bad."

"That's right, the purpose of choosing this kind of weather is to hide people's eyes and ears, not to be discovered, and to sneak around, so that person must be Senior Brother Ruihuan!"

Da Qiao thought about it carefully in his mind, the entire red carp clan would not have a third clan with a dark brown fish tail.

She didn't want to admit it, but she had to admit that that person was Ruihuan.

Why did Ruihuan come to look for Wan Gutan?
"Let's go and see what's going on with Wan Gu Tan first. Is there no legendary weapon, or did Rui Huan not take it away?"

Eternal Tan is a deep depression in the sea, which is much deeper than the flat bottom around it. Yan Huan illuminates it with a halo of spiritual energy, and there is a big black hole underneath, and the depth cannot be seen.

The powerful aura formed a solid barrier around Wan Gutan, Yan Huan tried to melt the barrier with spiritual power, but it didn't work at all.

Thinking about it, the reason why Ruihuan made the strange sound just now was that he wanted to use his spiritual power to break the barrier, but it was a pity that he didn't break it, and he left again resentful.

"This enchantment is too thick. The resentment accumulated for thousands of years has now been absorbed by Eternal Tan and turned into spiritual energy. Even if Daddy and the high priest come and work together, they may not be able to break this enchantment."

Yan Huan pursed his lips, and walked around the Eternal Tan, including the top of the Eternal Tan, surrounded by enchantments.

Probably only Wan Gu Tan devoured the dead and lifeless dead things on his own, and the living had no way to get in.

Da Qiao pulled Yan Huan back a little.

"The powerful aura of this enchantment can swallow the aura of the spirit fairy. I feel that it is already eroding my aura. We don't know how to break the enchantment. It's useless to stay here. Let's leave first."

(End of this chapter)

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