Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1395 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1395 Love Will Never Die (16)

It was three days after arriving in Wu County.

Originally, the distance was not too far, but Sun Ce was in a hurry to come back, and he was still on his way.

The royal palace in Wu County is not extravagant, but Sun Ce loves the people and does not make any major construction projects, but only slightly renovates and repairs the former royal palace left over from the past.

Knowing that Sun Ce was coming back today, all the courtiers had already waited on both sides of the palace road, and when they saw the carriage from a distance, they knelt down and saluted.

Yan Huan and the others' carriage followed Sun Ce's carriage, and the horses' hooves were flying. Hearing the approaching shouts of salute, Yan Huan couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled.

It feels like a fox pretending to be a tiger, and it is not so peaceful to accept everyone's worship, and I don't know how all the emperors in the past can accept everyone kneeling and saluting with peace of mind.

Sun Ce got out of the carriage and ordered the coachman to drive Yan Huan and their carriage to the harem. Yan Huan opened the curtain of the carriage a crack and saw Zhou Yu looking her way.

I don't know if Zhou Yu saw her lift the curtain of the car to peek, anyway, Yan Huan bumped into his eyes and blushed for no reason.

Yan Huan lowered his eyes and muttered softly, "The harem? We are not his wives, wives and concubines, how can we be arranged in the harem?"

Da Qiao's eyes were dazed, "Is the harem...the place where his wives and concubines stay?"

Yan Huan pursed her lips, forgetting that Da Qiao didn't understand these things in the world.

"Not necessarily, each palace is not necessarily the same."

The carriage entered the West Sixth Courtyard and stopped at the gate of a yard.

Yan Huan got off the carriage, looked at the words on the plaque in front of the courtyard, and forgive her for not knowing the complicated traditional characters.

She looked at Da Qiao, who smiled with curved lips, a blush appeared on her cheeks.

"Jijiu Palace."

Jujiu Palace?
"Guan Guan Jujiu, in the river continent?"

Da Qiao's eyes flashed with surprise, "When did you enter the Classic Book Pavilion and read mortal books?"

Yan Huan:. . .

Most of the knowledge she had learned was returned to the teacher. This was the only modern knowledge she could recall.

Yan Huan tilted his head and gave Da Qiao a playful smile, "The Guanju chapter in the Book of Songs seems to be about men expressing love to women."

"The name of Jujiu Court was not created for us. This plaque looks like it has been around for a while, so it was created before."

Da Qiao lifted her skirt and put it into the courtyard gate. There was a big vat inside, and lotus leaves and lotus flowers were planted in the vat, but it was different from the ones seen on the side of the road. The lotus leaves and lotus flowers were much smaller, not much bigger than the mouth of a bowl, so small and exquisite. , more and more lovable.

This pink flower is matched with emerald green, which is also fresh and beautiful. In this hot summer, it is like a breeze blowing through the hot heart.

The servants had already been arranged in the yard, and men and women knelt down to salute Da Qiao, "I've seen the girl."

Da Qiao never liked such kneeling and worshiping by mortals, and Yan Huan didn't like it either, so he hurriedly called out, and the young eunuch spoke cleverly to please him.

"My lord said that the girl likes lotus leaves and flowers, so it is best to live in Jujiu Palace. The bowl of lotus planted in this tank can accompany the girl through the whole summer."

His ambiguous eyes probably regarded Da Qiao as the person Sun Ce had taken a fancy to on the road, thinking that he would accept him as his wife in the future.

Da Qiao didn't understand the ambiguity in his eyes, and smiled politely, "Thank you, my lord, for me, this...I like it very much."

Yan Huan laughed out loud.

Da Qiao entered the main courtyard and looked back at her in surprise, "What are you laughing at?"

Yan Huan pursed her lips and shook her head, "It's nothing, I just want to laugh suddenly."

It's funny how Da Qiao gets confused sometimes.

(End of this chapter)

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