Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1396 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1396 Love Will Never Die (17)

The little eunuch came over to please him and said, "My lord said that there are two main courtyards side by side in this courtyard, and the two girls can live separately. You can choose the main courtyard yourself."

Yan Huan took Da Qiao's arm, "No need, my sister and I can live in the same room."

The corner of the little eunuch's mouth twitched, and he introduced the structure of the courtyard with an embarrassing expression before leaving with a bewildered expression.

The lord will either never marry a wife and take concubines, or just take two concubines?Still a pair of sisters.

It's only been a few days since I went out, and I brought back two, both of which are so beautiful.


The West Sixth Courtyard of the palace is going to be bustling from now on.

Yan Huan rested his chin in a daze by the window, sighed faintly, "It's fine for my sister to live here, but the question is, why do I also live in the harem? Isn't the harem not for foreign ministers to come in?"

She muttered softly, pouted her lips in dissatisfaction, "Hey... Sun Ce is a bit annoying..."

"Huh? What did you just say?"

Yan Huan shook his head, turned his head and smiled at Da Qiao, "It's nothing, it's just... I think Master Zhou Yu looks pretty, what does my sister think?"

Da Qiao didn't expect her to ask so directly, and was stunned.

After realizing it, Da Qiao blushed, "The high priest said that you can't fall in love with mortals, so why don't you just..."

Her face flushed even more, "You must not fall in love with mortals, you will be the patriarch in the future!"

Who wants to be the patriarch, and she doesn't want to.

Yan Huan leaned over with a playful smile, "It doesn't mean that whoever is good-looking has to marry whoever he likes, so I'll just ask, sister thinks Zhou Yu is good-looking, or Sun Ce?"

Da Qiao pursed his lips and said nothing, Yan Huan leaned close to her beggingly, grabbed her arm and shook it, Da Qiao was helpless, and finally blushed and whispered.

"Don't you think Zhou Yu's appearance is too attractive? Those eyes are full of affection, very provocative. I think, I's Sun Ce, Sun Ce is better..."

At the end of her speech, her voice was already as small as a mosquito, Yan Huan chuckled, Da Qiao looked back at her, her eyes seemed to be covered with mist, half angry and half ashamed.

"I'm not making fun of you, I just think..."

Yan Huan laughed again, and solemnly raised his face, "I also think Zhou Yu is too attractive, if I see him next time, I will tell him, your looks are not good!"

Da Qiao pinched her cheek, "You did it on purpose!"

"Where did I do it on purpose..."

It seems that the main plot is still going on the normal track.

At least it didn't happen that Da Qiao liked Zhou Yu and she liked Sun Ce.

Sun Ce's harem was quiet, and the little eunuch said that the lord had just ascended the throne not long ago, and there were beauties from all over the world who paid tribute to him, and there were many suitable courtiers' daughters, but the lord thought that the world was uncertain and the affairs were busy, so he pushed all these women away. Lost.

It is said that the love between children will not be considered until the world is unified.

So much so that in this huge harem of the West Sixth Hospital, apart from the cleaning palace people, there is not a single mistress at all.

Yan Huan and Da Qiao are the only two women who have been in charge of the West Sixth Hospital in the past two years.

Da Qiao is supposed to live in Sun Ce's harem, they can still meet and talk about love if they have nothing to do, but why does she live here?
Zhou Yu doesn't live in the palace, she's here alone... Watching Sun Ce and Da Qiao throw dog food?

Life just can't be cruel.

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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