Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 142 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 142 Not the Ake in your memory (48)

The next morning.

Yan Huan got dressed, helped the only hairpin on the back of his head, put on a mask and went out.

The double-edged bayonet was on the case table, but she didn't bring it.

When outsiders enter the palace to meet the king, their weapons must be searched before they can be let in.

The morning light suddenly rose, warm and warm, she looked up at the rising sun, and smiled easily.

Not afraid.

Give it a go!
Even if she is dead, she has a way to be resurrected.

Yan Huan went to Yan Palace in a carriage. Last night, he ordered the commander of the hidden guards to sneak into the Yan Palace with all the hidden guards, so that he could meet her tomorrow.

This Zhao Yang is really good enough.

There were only [-] elite hidden guards cultivated after many years of hard work, and [-] of them were actually sent to protect her.

Sometimes I really can't understand Zhao Yang's mind.

He is sincere to you?But it is also mixed with use, is it false to you?The things that can be done are really considerate enough.

The carriage stopped at the gate of the palace, before Yan Huan could take out the token, the guard at the gate saw the mask on her face and immediately let her into the palace.

Yan Palace is smaller than Qin Palace, Yan Huan followed the leading eunuch, went around and went to the imperial study.

There were not many guards outside the imperial study room, so King Yan, who was dazzled by excitement, never thought that she was not here to return.

Instead, take his life!
"Ake, I have seen the king!"

Yan Huan lifted the hem of his clothes and knelt down respectfully.

King Yan also looked about 50 to [-] years old, with a wicked face, he was not a good person at first glance, especially with the two mustaches, which made him very wretched.

In the entire imperial study room, there was only one middle-aged eunuch left, who should be King Yan's confidant.

When King Yan saw Yan Huan, he hurriedly stood up from the dragon chair, his eyes lit up, "Is that done?"

Yan Huan didn't answer directly, but took out a handkerchief from his waist and slowly opened it.

Wrapped in the handkerchief was an emerald jade finger, which was stained with some blood.

She respectfully raised the finger over her head. According to the rules, it should be the eunuch who took the handkerchief and presented the finger to King Yan.

But King Yan was impatient, he didn't have time for the eunuch to get it, he hurried down, stood in front of Yan Huan, picked up the wrench and looked at it carefully.

It's now!
Yan Huan instantly pulled out his hairpin, and slashed at King Yan's throat!
That hairpin is not a hairpin at all!

The root of the hairpin submerged in the hair is actually a sharp and slender dagger blade!
At this time, cutting the throat of King Yan is as easy as flipping the palm of your hand!

King Yan was still immersed in ecstasy and couldn't extricate himself, because he assassinated King Qin, he was complacent.

A sudden sharp pain came from his neck, and he wanted to call out a few times, only to realize that he couldn't make a sound at all!
The blood from the throat spurted out thinly, spraying on half of Yan Huan's mask, and some blood splashed on her eyes, looking weird and scary.

The eunuch was petrified!
Holding the hairpin, Yan Huan quickly moved in front of the eunuch, and easily slit his throat!
The eunuch's eyes widened!

Yan Huan's thin lips were reflected in his pupils, indifferent and ruthless.

He tried his best to scream again, but Yan Huan raised his lips, his eyes stained red with blood, like a ghost from hell.

"Want to call?"

The eunuch still had his last breath, and he was making an indistinct sound.

"Call it if you want, anyway... it's the last call."

The eunuch looked at her, his widened eyes were full of fear, and he collapsed powerlessly, but finally didn't make a sound.

 I made up for yesterday's bad one~
  Thank you Huayan Phantom for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Nalan Rong for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Nanyu Twilight for rewarding 198 book coins~

  Hug and kiss each other~
  Thanks to all the little fairies who voted for Mengmeng and gave rewards today!

  thanks for your support!
  360-degree omni-directional bow and air kiss╭(╯ε╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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