Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 143 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 143 Not the Ake in your memory (49)

Yan Huan took off the mask, pulled off King Yan's dragon robe, wiped the blood on it expressionlessly, and put it on again.

Suddenly there was no sound in the imperial study room, and the guards outside felt that something was wrong.

After a while, a woman's voice came from inside.

"Ake will leave."

Yan Huan maintained the respectful posture of coming in, opened the door respectfully again, and walked out with his head bowed.

The guard looked at her suspiciously several times, but there was nothing wrong.

Yes, there is a faint smell of blood.

The guards are also trained and are extremely sensitive to the smell of blood.

One of the guards thought for a while before knocking on the door of the imperial study.

"Your Majesty, I have something to report."

Yan Huan's eyes froze.

Sure enough, it was impossible to escape easily.

There was no sound from the royal study.

The guard's expression changed, and he pushed open the door vigorously, and at a glance, he saw the lifeless King Yan and his personal eunuch lying on the ground covered in blood!
His shocked face instantly turned pale!

"Assassin! She's an assassin! Catch the assassin!"

The surrounding guards immediately drew out their long knives and stabbed at Yan Huan!
She didn't have a weapon in her hand, only the short hairpin and thin knife, which was fine for melee attacks, but against this long knife, there was nothing she could do except to dodge the attack!

Even though he had no weapons, Yan Huan still knocked down a few guards.

There were voices of yelling and arresting assassins one after another, and many guards poured in from all directions, and the patrolling Imperial Forest Army also rushed over with uniform steps!
The fifteen hidden guards hidden among the guards and the Royal Forest Army also launched an attack in the crowd, stepping on corpses and blood all the way, approaching Yan Huan!
However, more and more imperial guards and guards gathered, and the inside and outside were completely blocked. Although Yan Huan joined the hidden guards, how could they break through these hundreds of enemies with a dozen of them?
The commander of the dark guard ordered in a low voice, "Surround the girl in the middle, and make sure to send the girl out safely!"

The hidden guards gathered in the middle, surrounded Yan Huan, and fought all the way, gradually approaching the exit, forcibly killing a bloody path in the crowd!
The commander of the imperial forest army looked at the scattered corpses on the ground, frowned, and let out a long shout!
"Archer! Ready to shoot!"

Yan Huan's heart skipped a beat!
The Imperial Forest Army and guards surrounding them retreated one after another, leaving them alone on the field!

Yan Huan picked up a long knife from the ground with a dignified expression but no fear at all.

Once the archers shot their arrows, they probably couldn't escape.

If it doesn't work, she can only use the last life-saving talisman...

"Fire arrows!"

With a roar, the arrows with a cold light were like rain, densely packed, and shot straight at them!
The sharp metallic sound of the blade colliding with the arrow, ding ding dong dong, exudes a chilling and life-threatening coldness.

There is no way to go on like this!

Those who shoot arrows can keep drawing arrows and shooting arrows, even if they can cut down all the arrows, but they are human, they will be tired, overwhelmed, and tired!
"Be sure, protect the girl!"

The commander of the dark guards was shot with an arrow in the arm, and his voice was still cold and majestic.

The black rain of arrows pierced the air, and they shot towards Yan Huan. Yan Huan's arms were already numb from waving, and she mechanically kept knocking down the arrows, and she couldn't hold it any longer!

Finally, an arrow was shot in the shoulder, and the long knife in her hand fell out of her hand because of her weakness!

 Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 399 book coins~

(End of this chapter)

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