Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 144 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 144 Not the Ake in your memory (50)

A flying arrow pierced her heart directly, and was shot away by the hidden guard next to her. Sweat dripped down, blurred her eyes, and made her dizzy.


The hidden guard next to her pulled her up, and he was also shot by two arrows, but he still stood in front of Yan Huan with a worried expression on his face.

"Girl hang on!"

Yan Huan gritted his teeth, grabbed the long knife on the ground, and forced himself up to stand up. A group of people surrounded her, shooting down arrows, while protecting her and moving towards the exit.

The commander of the Imperial Forest Army sneered, "The archer continued to shoot arrows, and everyone else blocked the exit for me. If the assassin came in today, don't even think about getting out alive!"

The people around him fell down one by one.

Blood was overflowing, but their faces were still determined to not admit defeat, they surrounded Yan Huan in the middle, and they were still struggling to resist!

But it is the end of the battle.

Arrows rained one after another, and Yan Huan felt a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart.

There are fewer and fewer people standing around, when you find that your companions who are struggling to protect you are dying because of you one by one.

And only you live.

This is a crime.

【Notice!Notice!Player number 438!If you die, the hidden task cannot be completed, and this plane will be counted as a failure of the strategy! 】

An arrow passed by Yan Huan's neck, and the sharp point of the arrow cut through his neck, leaving a bloodstain.

Yan Huan gasped for breath a few times, then smiled, "I, I won't die."

Whenever the heroine is at a critical moment of life and death, in novels and TV dramas, the bloody and old-fashioned plot is that the hero saves the heroine with ease, like a peerless hero who comes from the clouds.

But Gao Jianli won't come.

Zhao Yang put him under house arrest in Qin Palace, he didn't know that he came to Yan Kingdom, how could he appear, and rescued himself in this Shura field?

When he came, it was nothing more than one more person who died here.

There were as many arrows as a cow's hair, and one arrow pierced the heart of the commander of the hidden guards, and the warm blood splashed under Yan Huan's eyes, carrying the warmth of his body.

Before he died, there was guilt in his eyes, which made Yan Huan feel sad.

Finally, she was the only one left.

What is useless resistance, Yan Huan really understood at this time.

Sooner or later, she was going to die.

She was also hit by an arrow in her arm, and she couldn't lift it up anymore. The sharp object pierced the air, and immediately after that, there was a muffled sound of piercing into the flesh.

Her shoulders ached, her arms ached, her thighs ached, and her heart, which had been shot with an arrow, was also aching.

Blood spilled from his lips, Yan Huan collapsed powerlessly on the ground, and the strong smell of blood around him was disgusting.

The sun is shining and there are no clouds.

The blue sky is like painted with watercolors, without any other color, beautiful and pure.

Just like the sky she saw when she came to this world for the first time in the arena where 600 people were fighting.

The pain was so numb, I couldn't feel the pain anymore, it was just endless exhaustion.

His strength was draining, and his consciousness became blurred. Yan Huan somehow thought of something, tried to lift his eyelids, his eyes were full of anticipation, and looked at the sky again.

This time, there was no hand stretched out in front of him.

No one pulled her up from Shura's hell field, and called her gently, "Ah Ke."

[The hidden mission failed, and the raid on this plane failed, player No. 438 will be obliterated and enter the void space! 】

There was no emotion in the cold system sound.

Yan Huan sighed helplessly in his heart, this system... no matter how long we have been together for so long, it really is merciless...

"and many more!"

"I won't die! Hidden missions are not failed!"

 Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 99 book coins~

  hold me joe spin jump with eyes closed!
  emmm Mengmeng seems to be Cavin again...

  Guaranteed sweet ending!Pat chest guaranteed!
(End of this chapter)

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