Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 145 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 145 Not the Ake in your memory (51)

Before falling into the darkness, Yan Huan yelled at the system in his heart.

"The sage's protection!! The novice gift bag you gave me contains the sage's protection! I want to use the resurrection armor!!"

system:. . .

Consciousness disappears, then returns again.

Yan Huan frowned uncomfortably, opened his eyes slowly, his head was a little dizzy, but his body didn't hurt at all.

Surrounded by chaotic darkness.

Is she dead?
[Player 438, you are too willful! 】

The system raised its voice a bit, obviously dissatisfied with her.

"I used the protection of the sage, why didn't I resurrect?"

Yan Huan was worried about this!
[Your original body was shot into a hive of ants, are you sure you want to use that body to resurrect? 】

Yan Huan looked puzzled.

"Otherwise? Will you change my body again?"

【Can. 】

The system is willing, but she is not willing!
What if Gao Jianli couldn't recognize her after changing her body?
Yan Huan's eyes were burning, and he was a little anxious, "No, just use my original body and revive me quickly!"

The system is silent.

After a while, the mechanical sound sounded.

【All right. 】

There is a reason why the system doesn't want to revive her directly.

Yan Huan and the others assassinated King Yan, these assassins were going to be torn apart.

Even if he is already dead, he will be quartered by five horses after death.

Wouldn't it be too scary if they were all dismembered by five horses and could be resurrected?
So the system was very efficient and immediately brought Yan Huan back to life.

At this time, a few young eunuchs were dragging Yan Huan and their bodies to Dali Temple, where they were about to be tortured by chariots.

Yan Huan happened to be resurrected on the way to Dali Temple.

It was late at night and there was no one on the road.

The creaking of the four carts sounded strange in this deserted night.

Fortunately, Yan Huan's corpse was placed on top, so she didn't have to sneak out from the pile of corpses, which saved a lot of trouble.

The little eunuchs pulling the scooter were so tired that they stopped to wipe off their sweat. When one of the little eunuchs was pulling his scooter, he accidentally found that it was a little lighter, but he didn't care.

Yan Huan slipped off the cart and quickly dodged into the alley beside him.


Really, exciting enough...

Her whole body was in pain, her face was pale, her hair was disheveled, the clothes on her body were soaked in the smell of blood, and there were arrow wounds everywhere.

She leaned on the wall, walked staggeringly, exhaled deeply in the night, and smiled contentedly.

everything is over.

But all of this was obtained by stepping on many innocent lives who died.

Expectation and guilt were intertwined in Yan Huan's heart, she raised her head to look at the still cold moonlight, her eyes were a little gentle.

When she recovers from her injuries, go find Gao Jianli!

They lived in seclusion together and never asked about world affairs again.

Yan Huan forgot, there are spies of King Yan in the Palace of King Qin, and of course there are spies of King Qin in the Palace of King Yan.

three days later.

An urgent letter was sent to Qin Palace.

When Zhao Yang saw the letter, his hands that were approving the memorial trembled, and a drop of red ink fell on the memorial, as strange as blood.

He didn't get nervous when he planned to fake his death and get rid of his status as Minister of Rites of Chu State.

After planning for many years and competing for the throne with his brothers, he was not nervous.

But this time, even to open the letter, I felt so nervous that it was difficult.

Will she die?

She is so smart and skilled, and I have sent more than a dozen elite hidden guards to protect her, so she should... be able to escape unscathed, right?

Eunuch Hu held up the letter and waited for a long time, but the king of his family did not take it for a long time.

His raised arms were a little sore before Zhao Yang took the letter.

 Thank you Fengjiu for not drinking and rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you meow for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 198 book coins~

  Thank you Midsummer ° half reward 100 book coins ~

  kiss you~

  The sage's shelter in the novice package!I didn't expect that, hehe...

(End of this chapter)

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