Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 146 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 146 Not the Ake in your memory (52)

There are only a few sentences in the letter.

"The king of Yan was assassinated and died, and all the assassins were wiped out."

All destroyed? !

Zhao Yang went through it in his mind several times, it was hard to accept, but he had to accept the meaning of being wiped out.

Roulan is also a member of Annihilation?
"Where's the corpse?"

Live to see people, die to see corpses!
Zhao Yang's voice trembled a little. He pinched the letter's knuckles, which turned white due to excessive force, and his eyes were full of regret.

Regretting why you agreed to make a deal with her and let her go to the country of Yan!
Eunuch Hu saw Zhao Yang's expression for the first time, and he didn't know what was written in the letter, the king would have such a big reaction.

corpse?whose body?

Eunuch Hu answered tremblingly, "Whose corpse is the king asking?"

Zhao Yang supported his forehead, his eyebrows were slightly twisted, and his eyes were a little bit astringent.

He wants to see the dead body, how can he look at Rou Lan's dead body?

She insisted on going to the country of Yan and wanting to assassinate King Yan, all because of that fake Song Zhouzhi!
Zhao Yang gritted his teeth, his face was dark and terrifying, and his eyes were full of violent anger!

Holding the letter, he directly opened the secret door, and walked in with a grim expression.

Gao Jianli is playing the piano, it is a tactful love song, telling the longing and worry for his lover.

It fits his current state of mind quite well.

The sound of the piano stopped abruptly when he heard footsteps outside.

With a "click", the lock opened.

Zhao Yang kicked open the door unceremoniously, with murderous intent on his face.

This is Zhao Yang's second visit.

Gao Jianli looked up at him coldly, and found that his eyes were scarlet and full of anger.

"Any news about Ake?"

Zhao Yang evoked a distorted smile, pain flashed in his eyes, and he coldly threw the letter in his hand.

A light piece of paper landed leisurely at Gao Jianli's feet, and a line of words was exceptionally clear.

Gao Jianli's pupils shrank suddenly, his face turned pale, he picked up the letter in disbelief, and read it carefully again!
All destroyed? !

How can it be? !
Ah Ke, what happened to Ah Ke? !

What did she do? !
Zhao Yang rushed over in a few steps, raised his fist and slammed Gao Jianli's face fiercely, gritting his teeth, "If it wasn't for you, how could Roulan die?!"

Gao Jianli was punched, but he never thought of fighting back.

Blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and his mouth was full of the sweet smell of blood. Gao Jianli's chaotic thoughts were still tangled together.

Obviously some time ago he was still tender and affectionate, how could his Ah Ke just say no and be gone?
Zhao Yang grabbed his skirt and punched him angrily again, his eyes were poisoned, he wished he could kill Gao Jianli immediately!
"It should be you who died! It shouldn't be Roulan! If it wasn't for saving you and being with you, why would she assassinate King Yan?!"

Gao Jianli's head was buzzing, Zhao Yang's words were like thunder, striking his already chaotic thoughts!
Ah Ke, are you going to assassinate King Yan? !
Assassinate the king of a country!

Even if the assassination was successful, how could she escape from the palace? !

In a hurry, Gao Jianli clutched his chest, spat out a mouthful of blood with difficulty, his brows and eyes were sad and painful, but strangely determined.

"No, she won't die. She clearly told me to wait for her to come back so swearingly, how could she break her promise?"

He looked up anxiously, "Where's the body? Where's her body?"

Zhao Yang lifted his skirt, his eyes were full of painful resentment, and his face was mocking.

"You deserve to see her dead body too?"

 Speaking of plagiarism.

  Maybe you think that if the title is the same and the order of heroes is the same, it is plagiarism.

  However, the real plagiarism is plagiarizing the original words, plagiarizing other people's ideas, content and plots.

  Maybe you think it’s okay to accuse the author of plagiarism with just one sentence, but for the author who really writes seriously, it is a complete negation of her creation.

  It's like you have worked so hard to finish your homework, and the teacher says you copied someone else's, are you wronged?
  Besides plagiarism, please point out the specific place of plagiarism, instead of just saying which book your book is the same as.

  (There are quite a few people who say I plagiarized, so I will say it again today, and I won’t say it in the future.)
  Finally, thank you for writing a sad 100 book coin reward.

(End of this chapter)

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