Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1438 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1438 Love Will Never Die (60)

Zhou Yu carried her to the bedroom, thinking about what Sun Ce said today, although he was afraid that Xiao Qiao would be worried, he still said it.

"My lord said today that Miss Da Qiao went to the capital of Wen Country."

Yan Huan's eyes drooped in sleepiness, but he suddenly recovered.

"What? Went to the capital of Wen Country? When did it happen? What did she do there?!"

Zhou Yu knew that Xiao Qiao would be nervous and worried, and regretted it just after she finished speaking.

"My lord means to cause riots in the capital city, the internal chaos in the capital city, the capital city and the border should cooperate with the outside world, just in time to take Wen Guo down while Cen Yan is away, and Da Qiao left the next day after we got married."

The second day of marriage...

Big Joe didn't even come to say goodbye to her.

She was so absorbed in being newlyweds at that time that she forgot to ask Da Qiao about Chaozhong.

It was her fault she ignored it.

Yan Huan frowned, and carefully stroked Zhou Yu's words.

So Sun Ce wanted to destroy Wen Guo directly?

It will take time for Cen Yan to go out to sea and reach Eternal Tan. Is it possible to destroy Wen Guo in such a short period of time?
And Da Qiao, she is alone in the capital city of Wenguo? !

So dangerous!

"Why don't I know about this? Has no one told us about the court affairs?"

Zhou Yu carried her into the room in the dark, put her on the bed before turning to light the candles, "During the few days when we got married, my lord didn't tell me about the affairs of the court, I think Da Qiao did too, I don't want you to worry about her."

Yan Huan's face was gloomy, and the guilt towards Da Qiao in his heart became a little heavier.

The previous life was due to her mistake.

In this life, she did not spend much time with Da Qiao because of Zhou Yu, which made her feel even more guilty.

Da Qiao is in the capital city of Wenguo, she is really worried, in a strange place without familiar people to accompany her, Da Qiao must be very disappointed.

Yan Huan hesitated, and tentatively said, "Gongjin, I discuss something with you."

Zhou Yu asked someone to fetch water to come in to take a bath, turned around and smiled helplessly, "I know what you want to say, if you go, I won't stop you."

He stroked Yan Huan's brow, and sighed softly, "I believe Da Qiao must have a sense of proportion, and will not put herself in danger. If you insist on going, go after the matter of Wan Gu Tan is resolved."

Yan Huan put his arms around his neck, coquettishly, "Lord Zhou Yu, you are so kind!"

"Am I good? I'm not good enough."

Zhou Yu picked her up and was going to take her to take a bath behind the screen just like that, his voice was even more helpless.

"If I'm good enough, I should protect you and go to Wenguo's capital together. It's just a matter of the military camp. I really can't get away. I hope you can understand and don't be angry."

When the servants came in with hot water buckets, they saw Mr. Dudu hugging his wife and stroking her back.

The relationship between your lord and your wife is very good.

Although the governor said that he has not married a wife or concubine for so many years, until he married someone he likes, he really treated his wife in every possible way.

Yan Huan lay on his shoulder, obediently rubbed against him and didn't speak.

That is to say, in the few days of the wedding, I can concentrate on being with Zhou Yu, without thinking about the wishes of the Lord, and without thinking about what kind of punishment she will suffer if she breaks the rules.

Reality is reality. In reality, these things cannot escape and must be resolved.

She had to quickly settle the matter of Wan Gu Tan before Cen Yan and Rui Huan, so she didn't have any worries.

Big Joe……

I'm sorry Da Qiao, I can only wait for her for a few more days, she must rush to protect Da Qiao, I just hope... Da Qiao will not encounter any danger during this period.

(End of this chapter)

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