Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1439 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1439 Love Will Never Die (61)

The snake demon was quite easy to talk to, so Yan Huan took him to a few places with good scenery in Wu County, and then Yan Huan wanted to take him to see other scenery tomorrow, but he hesitated.

"You have to seize this opportunity. This game is over. You are probably going to be imprisoned by your brother. I don't know how long it will be."

The little snake wrapped around her finger sighed repeatedly.

"I also want to continue playing, but I'm running away from home. If my brother can't find me everywhere, he will definitely be worried."

This snake demon is about the same age as her, and it's okay to be much worse than her. It seems that even his heart is like a child.

Probably because he was spoiled so much by his elder brother, he didn't have any sense of defense and vigilance. Fortunately, he met Yan Huan, who had no evil intentions. If he met someone else, he would have been brewed medicinal wine several times.

She patted the snake demon on the head, "If you are free in the future, you can come and find me anytime."

In the future, I am afraid there will be no future.

The snake demon had a bitter face, "In the future, whether I can survive this time is still a question..."

"Brother, born with the same father, you will not be beaten to death, no matter what, you will be spared."

Snake demon: . . .

This consolation is worse than no consolation.

"Then what should I do now? How can I go to your brother and say that I saved you?"

"Go to the cemetery in the outer suburbs. There should be people from the demon world looking for me. After you go, they will ask my brother to come out to see you."

Yan Huan paused.

"The cemetery in the outer suburbs? Are you sure? Go now?"

Her voice was a little frightened, and the memories of that graveyard, apart from confessing to Zhou Yu, were... the various ghosts described by the dead snake demon.

At that time, Zhou Yu was with her, but now she went alone, she was afraid that she would die of fright on the way.

"You have to go now at night. My brother cannot appear in the mortal world during the day, so you can only go to him at night."

Yan Huan:. . .

It was frightening.

"Okay, I turned into spiritual energy and went there. I don't know if the spiritual power conflicts with your demon power. If you feel uncomfortable anywhere, please tell me anytime."

She couldn't do it by taking a carriage and then walking like last time.

Simply use spiritual power to go there, and it will be over.

There are many monsters here on the cemetery slope, and the Yin Qi is heavy, which is suitable for cultivation. As soon as Yan Huan took human form, when he stepped on the ground, there was a rustling sound from the grass on one side.

She was so terrified that the snake demon transformed from a small snake with the thickness of a finger into a bloated and thick snake.

The first time I met Yan Huan, I was intimidated by his figure, but now I feel very safe, after all, it is a monster I know.

The snake demon muffled into the grass, "It's me, go back and tell your brother, I'm the one who's back."

The rustling voice disappeared, and Yan Huan stood on the narrow and dark dirt road, feeling nervous in his heart.

"How long will it take for your brother to come here?"

"It won't be long, very soon, the time for a cup of tea, the time for a stick of incense, anyway, very soon, very... ah!!!"

The snake demon jumped onto Yan Huan's body all of a sudden, wrapping his bloated body around Yan Huan, almost yelling at Yan Huan in fright!
"What are you yelling?!"

"Brother... brother..."

Yan Huan's scalp went numb, and he felt lingering fear.

"You saw your brother, what's your name?!"

Can you stop barking? This may be the last bark he uttered, and he was about to be beaten to death by his brother immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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