Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1447 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1447 Love Will Never Die (69)

Yan Huan was stunned by her push, she instinctively moved forward to hold Da Qiao's hand, and walk with her, but she didn't hold Da Qiao's hand, the next second, someone suddenly strangled her neck out of thin air!

With so much force, she felt that her throat was about to be strangled by him!
"You have been mine since you were a child. My name, Ruihuan, is engraved on every part of your body. You actually had an affair with that mortal and just gave me a cuckold?!"

There was a sharp pain in her throat, and she had difficulty breathing intermittently, Yan Huan protected her stomach with one hand, and tried to break Ruihuan's shackles with the other.

Da Qiao shook Ruihuan's hand away with spiritual power, and shouted at him, "Are you crazy?!"

Yan Huan coughed violently, his neck was scratched, and the pain was burning. She was almost suffocated and breathed air again.

Da Qiao knelt down to comfort Yan Huan, this was the first time Yan Huan saw her lose her composure.

"When did Xiao Qiao belong to you? Your marriage contract hasn't been finalized yet, it's just your wishful thinking. Who does Xiao Qiao want to be with, and what does it have to do with you?!"

Ruihuan smiled ironically.

"You still protect her? What are you protecting her for? She is your sister! Sister! But she was born with talent and intelligence, surpassing you in every way. She was designated as the next patriarch of the red carp clan since she was a child, and your sister What kind of?!"

Yan Huan coughed and his pounding heart beat even harder because of Ruihuan's words.

Ruihuan wants to provoke Da Qiao and her feelings!
Yan Huan held Da Qiao's hand tightly, she was still coughing violently, unable to speak at all.

"You have been practicing hard for so many years, but it is nothing compared to Xiao Qiao who has been fishing for three days and drying nets for two days. Da Qiao, do you still treat her as a younger sister? Does she regard you as an older sister? Has she considered you?" Do you feel?"

The more he said, the more uneasy Yan Huan felt, and the more guilty she felt towards Da Qiao.

Da Qiao is an older sister, but she has to live under the halo of her younger sister all the time. How can she feel good in her heart?

That's right, normal people don't feel good about it.

Da Qiao lowered her head and pulled up the collar for Yan Huan, her tone was gentle, even though Yan Huan was in the dark and couldn't see the expression on her face at all, but she knew that Da Qiao's eyebrows and eyes should be the same as before, smiling Yingying, gentle like water.

"You don't need to care about my relationship with Xiao Qiao. Over the years, I have never regarded Xiao Qiao as the next patriarch of the Red Carp Clan. I have always regarded her as my younger sister."

"Whether it's a green leaf or a foil, I'll never be jealous of her. I just hope that she can live happily, so I will be happy too."

"I am her older sister. No matter whether she is talented or dull, whether she is the next patriarch of the Red Carp Clan or the nameless wandering Sanxian, she is my younger sister. I will take my life to treat her well."

Yan Huan's nose was sore, tears welled up and dripped on the back of her hand.

Da Qiao is always so gentle and kind, always treats her so well, always, without asking for anything in return.

She held Da Qiao's hand tightly, her voice was hoarse and uncomfortable, but she could still hear her sincerity.

"elder sister……"

Needless to say, in fact, a sister is enough.

They are twins, so they can feel each other's emotions and understand each other's thoughts.

Ruihuan originally wanted to provoke the relationship between them, but unexpectedly, a scene of sisterly love was staged in front of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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