Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1448 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1448 Love Will Never Die (70)

"Idiot! No wonder you can only be Xiao Qiao's foil all the time. With your temperament, you can only live under Xiao Qiao's halo for the rest of your life!"

Da Qiao didn't seem to hear what he said, and stroked Yan Huan's stomach gently, infusing her with spiritual power to stabilize her fetal gas.

Ruihuan picked up Yan Huan who was sitting on the ground, and said with a sneer, "At first, I wanted to pretend to be seriously injured, so I tricked you into infusing me with spiritual power, and then imprisoned you by tricks. Who knows, you are pregnant with another man?" The bastards now have no spiritual power at all."

Yan Huan knew that he would not lay hands on the child in her belly, but she still protected her belly nervously.

Ruihuan, he has another purpose.

He will not kill her and Da Qiao, nor will they be seriously injured, even though he was so angry and crazy just now, but he still maintains reason.

She has no spiritual power, Ruihuan could have strangled her to death just now, but he didn't.

He can't kill Lingxian in the mortal world.

In particular, she and Da Qiao cannot be killed.

As long as one of her and Da Qiao dies, the High Priest and Dad will immediately feel it.

Kill Lingxian?Ruihuan couldn't survive either.

He was still thinking about going back to Fanhai to be the next high priest, how could he be willing to die with them?
other purpose...

Yan Huan was still thinking, Ruihuan pulled her, raised his hand and used spiritual power to transform into a prison cage, and pushed Yan Huan into it.

Ruihuan spoke coolly, not paying attention to Da Qiao at all.

Her cultivation base is much worse than his, and she is not his opponent at all.

"What about you? Do you want to fight with me? Or go in by yourself?"

Da Qiao looked at Xiao Qiao who was trapped in the cage, and then at Rui Huan who had a sullen face and vicious eyes.

In a tough fight with him, she can't beat Rui Huan, Rui Huan will not hurt Xiao Qiao, he should know that Wan Gu Tan's weapon has been taken away, and Wen Guo is also facing the collapse of the country, he is not reconciled.

Therefore, he wanted to arrest himself and Xiao Qiao to threaten Sun Ce and Zhou Yu.

The method is really despicable and disgusting. To say that he is a spirit fairy belonging to the same red carp clan really shames the entire red carp clan because of him!
Da Qiao turned around and turned into a ball of spiritual power and flew in the direction of Fan Hai, Rui Huan frowned and quickly chased after him.

Yan Huan nervously tugged at the hem of her skirt, unable to see Ruihuan and Da Qiao's current situation, her heart was hanging in her throat, and she couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat.

This child of hers came at an inopportune time. If she still had spiritual power, it would be more possible to escape back to Fanhai with Da Qiao.

It would be great if Da Qiao could escape back to Fanhai by herself, but Ruihuan's cultivation level is much higher than hers, so it is not very possible for her to escape....

I just hope Big Joe doesn't get hurt.

Make sure not to get hurt.

The torment of this incense burning time was slow, Yan Huan's eyes were burning with anticipation, staring at the darkness in the distance, finally, he heard something different from the sound of the wind!

There was a muffled sound of being thrown on the ground, and a muffled groan that was barely audible.

Yan Huan shouted nervously, "Sister?!"

Ruihuan clasped Da Qiao's hands instead, and threw her into Yan Huan's cage.

Blood oozes from the corners of Da Qiao's lips, Yan Huan's heart is both distressed and angry.

This hatred, she remembered.

Sooner or later, she will still be on Ruihuan's body, no matter how he bullied them, as long as she is not dead, she will definitely return it to him a thousand times in the future!
Da Qiao grabbed Yan Huan's hand and shook his head, "Be patient, your stomach...cough cough, the child in your stomach is important, don't get angry, don't resist."

(End of this chapter)

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