Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1450 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1450 Love Will Never Die (72)

Not a sound could be heard in the darkness.

Yan Huan didn't sleep all night, Da Qiao was injured, unconsciously coughed from time to time in his sleep, Yan Huan patted her back lightly, he couldn't find out whether her injury was serious, nor could he give her spiritual power.

Xi Wei's light penetrated through the window paper, and the pale fish-belly white gradually turned into bright golden, Yan Huan looked at Da Qiao who was pillowed on her lap, her face was pale and lifeless.

It would take two days to spread the news to Wu Guo from here, and it would take another two days for Zhou Yu and the others to rush over.

Her spiritual power disappeared, and now she is no different from ordinary people, Yan Huan suddenly realized a serious problem...

She is mortal now, and she needs to eat.

If Ruihuan never thought that she would be like a normal person and not come here for a few days, wouldn't she be dying of starvation and thirst?


The door of the outer room was opened, and the figure outside the bead curtain was very familiar, it was Ruihuan.

He actually came over, Yan Huan thought he would never come again, after all he hated himself so much.

Through the bead curtain, Ruihuan said indifferently, "You have no spiritual power."

Yan Huan hummed lightly.

The bead curtain was pushed aside, and with a bang, Rui Huan walked in, and put a porcelain bowl in front of her with a blank expression, his voice still indifferent.


Yan Huan raised his eyes to look at his profile, and said in a calm tone, "Ruihuan...Senior brother."

She rarely called him senior brother.

Xiao Qiao has been dissatisfied with him for a long time. She called him senior brother when she was very young. Later, she vaguely knew that she would marry him in the future, so she didn't call him senior brother again, but called him by his first name without following the etiquette.

Ruihuan's face remained unchanged, and he lowered his eyes to look at her.

Yan Huan bent his lips and smiled, "I thought you wouldn't remember that I don't have spiritual power, and you wouldn't bring me food."

Ruihuan sneered, "If you starve to death, how can I threaten that little boy?"

Yan Huan intends to show affection to him and move him with reason.

"Actually, do you know that I don't want to be the patriarch of the red carp clan at all. Since I am willing to marry Zhou Yu and conceive her child, I have no intention of going back to the red carp clan."

She looked at Ruihuan's silhouette, and continued, "Big Qiao too, we all fell in love with mortals, and Da Qiao never thought about going back to the red carp clan to be the patriarch. As long as Da Qiao and I are not here, even if you haven't fulfilled your wish to the Lord Wish, Da Qiao and I will intercede for you, Daddy and the High Priest will definitely forgive me."

Her tone was sincere and sincere, Ruihuan felt that her deep pink eyes were inherently bewitching and weird, even though she had no spiritual power now, these eyes seemed to contain a deep and bewitching light.

Yan Huan smiled, her tone was lazy, her expression was indifferent, it seemed that the position of patriarch really didn't tempt her at all.

"You don't have to help Cen Yan with these things. It doesn't matter if you can't complete this task. After returning to Fanhai, you are not the next high priest, but the next patriarch of the red carp clan."

Ruihuan raised his lips and smiled ironically, "Why are you so sure that I only want status, not women?"

Yan Huan blinked, "Woman? Of course you want it too. After you have status, what kind of woman do you have? You won't fall for me alone, Ruihuan, I understand you very well."

There was interest in his eyes, he raised his interest, knelt down and pinched Yan Huan's chin, "How do you understand?"

Yan Huan slightly raised his eyebrows, "As you said, I am the patriarch of the Red Carp Clan, and I will certainly not be wrong when judging the hearts of my people."

(End of this chapter)

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