Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1451 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1451 Love Will Never Die (73)

The last time he said that to Ruihuan, he didn't express anything, he didn't even look at her, but turned and left.

In the next few days, he never came to the courtyard where they were imprisoned again, Yan Huan couldn't help but reflect on whether she really said something wrong.


What she said is correct, Ruihuan really cares more about power and status, and when she can give him both power and status, why would he not agree to accept it?

It is obvious that the method Ruihuan is using now is even more risky and unruly.

Once his father or the high priest finds out, he can be regarded as completely ruining his bright future.

Yan Huan couldn't figure it out.

"Little Joe?"

Yan Huan came back to his senses, looked at Da Qiao, and smiled, "What did sister call me for?"

Da Qiao checked her pulse. Although she had no spiritual power, she could still detect that her current pulse was weak and weak, and her expression was trying to cheer up, but in fact she was full of haggardness.

"You haven't eaten for three days, and you will be unbearable if you are still pregnant, how about..."

Yan Huan shook his head, his eyes firmly refused.

She smiled again, and said lightly, "I'm really fine. Zhou Yu and the others should be able to come here tonight. Although I have lost my spiritual power, my body can still resist for a while. It's okay."

She knew what Da Qiao wanted to say, and Da Qiao had mentioned this idea to her before.

Da Qiao wants to break Ruihuan's shackles on her spiritual power, but Yan Huan disagrees.

Forcibly breaking through the shackles like this is like a person wearing shackles, trying to forcefully tear the shackles with flesh and blood, even if they are torn off, the arm will be broken.

Da Qiao was injured in the first place, if he forcibly breaks through the shackles of spiritual power now, it will seriously hurt his vitality, and it will be more difficult to practice in the future, and it will even affect the primordial spirit.

Zhou Yu and the others will arrive tomorrow at the latest, and tonight at the earliest. She can resist for a few more days.

It's just that the feeling of hunger makes her very uncomfortable. It's not a matter of life or death. Now she can bear it.

She took Da Qiao's hand and smiled comfortingly, "Sister, don't worry, I know my own body very well, nothing will happen, don't worry."

Da Qiao frowned and didn't speak. Her eyes were moist and tender, but now they were bloodshot from exhaustion. She didn't sleep well in the past few days.

She wasn't worried about herself, she was worried about Xiao Qiao.

Pregnant people should not lose themselves, no matter how much they lose their children, she is ashamed that as an older sister, she can't protect her younger sister, and she is also ashamed that Xiao Qiao is so weak now that she can't help much.

"Sister, since I was a child, I have always felt that I owe you. Even though you are my elder sister, God gave me the best for some reason. It's really partial."

Yan Huan leaned on Da Qiao's shoulder, feeling hungry and uncomfortable made her feel uncomfortable, she had to rely on memories to distract herself and make herself feel better.

"But fortunately, I will not take anything from my sister. I won't take it from the patriarch. I know that my sister is not rare. My sister and Sun Ce are in love with each other. I am in love with Zhou Yu. I know my sister is willing to be with me. Let's be loose little fairies together in the mortal world, so that I owe my sister less in my heart."

Da Qiao patted her on the shoulder with a gentle voice, as if she was coaxing her to sleep when she was a child.

"There has never been any debt between you and me."

There will be no debts.

She doesn't need Xiao Qiao to feel indebted to her for anything she does for Xiao Qiao, including the thing she really wants to do.

(End of this chapter)

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