Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1452 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1452 Love Will Never Die (74)

After receiving the letter, Zhou Yu and Sun Ce rushed from Wu County to Wenguo Palace non-stop. They never stopped to rest, and they almost ran all the way to this palace.

The city where the other palace is located is empty, there is no one in the city, it is eerily silent, the sound of horses' hoofs rushing past raises a cloud of dust, the city is as quiet as a dead city.

Sun Ce guessed that it was a fake plague created by Da Qiao, and the people in the surrounding cities of the capital were frightened and all fled.

It is the trend of the times to hear that the country is broken.

But Cen Yan and Na Lingxian still tried to struggle, using Big Qiao and Little Qiao to threaten them.

Sun Ce was indeed right in their arms.

It was impossible for him to ignore Da Qiao, and it was impossible for Zhou Yu to ignore Xiao Qiao. The letter said that Xiao Qiao was pregnant, and Da Qiao was seriously injured.

The gate of the other palace.

There were no guards, and the two rode their horses all the way into the other palace. The surroundings were pitch black, only the palace in the main hall was lit with candles, and they were in the darkness, suddenly strangely lonely.

With the sound of hoofbeats, the horses stopped at the entrance of the main hall. Sun Ce and Zhou Yu rushed up the tall and majestic steps, rushing to rescue Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao.

Rui Huan leaned against the big carved dragon pillar in the main hall, closed his eyes as if he was resting his mind, and suddenly curved his lips into a smile.

"They are here."

Cen Yan's ashen-ashes-like gray eyes lit up again, and he stared at the entrance of the main hall. Just as he had hoped, both Sun Ce and Zhou Yu came, but they came empty-handed, Did not bring any weapons.

Cen Yan was a little panicked, and stood up from the dragon chair in a hurry, "Where are the weapons? Didn't you ask you to bring the weapons from Wangutan in exchange for those two women?!"

Zhou Yu ignored him, but looked at Ruihuan, "Where are Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao? We have to make sure they are okay before handing over the weapons from the Everlasting Pool."

Ruihuan didn't know what Xiao Qiao and the others had done to the weapon, so he didn't dare to act rashly and snatched it from Zhou Yu and Sun Ce, but stroked a piece of darkness in midair with his palm.

"Little Joe."

It was Ruihuan's voice, but Ruihuan didn't come over.

Yan Huan looked up and looked around, and heard Ruihuan's cry again.

It should be Zhou Yu and Sun Ce.

In order to convince Zhou Yu and Sun Ce that they are indeed in Ruihuan's hands.

"Master Zhou Yu?"

It is impossible for Zhou Yu to recognize Xiao Qiao's voice in his life.

He asked anxiously, "How are you, Xiao Qiao?! Are you injured?"

Hearing the long-lost voice, Yan Huan felt the urge to burst into tears.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I just lost my spiritual power because of pregnancy, my sister is also fine, the injury is not serious..."

Before Zhou Yu and Sun Ce could finish listening to her, Rui Huan had withdrawn his spiritual power, and there was nothing in midair, only the warm yellow light of the candles remained.

Ruihuan lazily raised his eyes, "Okay, can you give us the weapons of the Everlasting Lake now?"

Zhou Yu frowned, resisting the urge to rush up and kill him, "What you showed us was just an illusion, who knows where Xiao Qiao and Da Qiao are now?"

Ruihuan smiled contemptuously, "Do you think I'm just like you mortals, going back on my word? I said I would exchange them with weapons from the Everlasting Lake, and I would never break my promise!"

Zhou Yu looked at Sun Ce hesitantly, and Sun Ce nodded at him.

Zhou Yu felt uneasy. There was a spell cast by Xiao Qiao on the kit. She said that as long as other spirits tried to snatch it, the kit would be wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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