Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1453 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1453 Love Will Never Die (75)

The kit was wiped out in front of the spirit fairy, and the spirit fairy would definitely become angry. At that time, would he take his anger out on Xiao Qiao and Da Qiao?
Zhou Yu felt uneasy, and took out the bag that Xiao Qiao had given him from his bosom, with obvious hesitation on his face.

When Ruihuan saw the kit, he knew it was Xiao Qiao's handwriting, his face turned cold, his heart was excited, he completely forgot to think about it, and directly snatched the kit from Zhou Yu's hand with his spiritual power.


When the kit was in Ruihuan's hands, it instantly disappeared into ashes, leaving him no ashes, and disappeared before Ruihuan's eyes in an instant!
Ruihuan froze in place!
This is fake?

Impossible, just now he clearly felt the powerful power of resentment hidden in the kit!

So, why did it suddenly disappear?
Deep pink halo...

It was Xiao Qiao who tampered with the kit in advance!
Rui Huan repented, his face was livid with anger, his eyes were filled with hatred, and he gritted his teeth.

He violently grabbed Sun Ce's throat, but was blocked by a golden light on his body!

Regal air.

Sun Ce already has the air of an emperor!

Then everything has become a definite number.

Sun Ce became the emperor and ruled the world, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the soldiers disarmed and returned to the fields, all of which were the scenes that everyone was looking forward to.

But his task is to help the king of Wen Kingdom to rule the world and ascend to the throne of the king.

Oh, how ridiculous.

He has always worked the hardest, but he failed to fulfill the wish of the Lord. Those two little girls who were in love in the mortal world actually fulfilled the wish of the Lord and survived this experience.

Why in the end? !

Ruihuan's eyes were scarlet, and his mind was filled with the way Xiao Qiao looked at him that day, as if he wanted to give him the position of patriarch of the red carp clan that she dismissed as alms.


Ruihuan turned into a ball of spiritual energy and rushed out.

Da Qiao squeezed her palm in the dark, and decided to send Xiao Qiao back to Fan Hai, which was something she had always wanted to do.

Just now she heard a scream outside, and knew that Ruihuan must have taken the kit, but the kit was wiped out.

He will definitely come to Xiao Qiao to vent his anger.

She knew that Xiao Qiao couldn't bear to let her get hurt, but she... had to do it.

Sister, you should protect and take care of your younger sister.

Although breaking through the shackles of spiritual power would take a toll on his vitality, he still had the spiritual power to send Xiao Qiao back to Fan Hai.

It is not safe to send Xiao Qiao to the mortal world now, only Fanhai is the safest place!

Yan Huan didn't know what was going on in Da Qiao's mind, she still leaned on Da Qiao's shoulder, just now she heard the scream, she bent her lips and smiled.

"Fortunately, I have the foresight. We won't be able to use the weapons of the Wangutan, and neither will Ruihuan."

The darkness is oppressive, there are no lights in the house, the familiar darkness and silence, Yan Huan sighed softly, "I guess Ruihuan will come to settle accounts with me in a while, when the time comes, my sister will leave first, he..."


The long-lost sound of opening the door was not friendly in the dark, Yan Huan kept silent, moved back guardedly, and took Da Qiao's hand.

Her hands are soft, unlike Zhou Yu's palms with calluses from long-term martial arts practice, but they still give her a sense of security.

Yan Huan's heart was hanging in his throat, he could only hear the footsteps outside getting closer and closer, the bead curtain was lifted with a clang, and his heart in his throat suddenly jumped heavily.


There was no response from the visitor.

Yan Huan's scalp was numb and painful when the string in his head was pulled. After a long time, Rui Huan's voice came from the darkness.

"I was born proud, how could I accept other people's charity, or yours, Xiao Qiao?"

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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