Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1454 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1454 Love Will Never Die (76)

How could that be considered charity?
It was obviously to discuss with him whether he could accept the best-of-both-worlds solution.

Anyway, she and Da Qiao will not be members of the red carp clan in the future. Whatever Rui Huan wants, he can get it in the future, so why use this method to treat them now?
"I didn't give you a handout."

"Why didn't you?! You are giving me alms. I know you have always looked down on me. I thought you would fall in love with a lot of powerful immortal characters. Who knows that you would rather be with that mortal than Stay with me!"

His tone was broken, angry, desperate.

The kit containing the Eternal Tan weapon was wiped out, which also meant that Ruihuan's last hope was also shattered.

If he can't fulfill the wish of the Lord, he has failed in this experience, and he doesn't even have the chance to return to Fanhai, let alone his dream of ascending to the heaven.

He is nothing.

Nothing deserves it.

Da Qiao discussed with him softly, "It's not too late, you let me and Xiao Qiao go now, and we are willing to go back to Fanhai to intercede for you."

Ruihuan transformed into a fiery red halo from the palm of his hand, illuminating his angry and hateful face, ferocious like a demon.

He pulled out a weird smile, "Intercede, what is this not charity? This is not charity, what is it!"

Crazy, he threw the fiery red halo in his hand into a corner of the room, the fiery red light turned into a raging fire, and burned the wooden frame!
The crimson flames blazed brightly, blindingly bright, and the scorching heat rushed towards her face, Yan Huan's heart suddenly tugged together, she dragged Da Qiao to stand up, and was stopped by Rui Huan.

"You are crazy, do you know what you are doing?!"

The fire spread rapidly, this is not an ordinary fire in the mortal world, the flame transformed by Ruihuan's spiritual power is enough to swallow everything in the mortal world.

All water can't put it out.

"I don't know what I'm doing."

Ruihuan bound Yan Huan's hands and feet with spiritual ropes, and tied her to a pillar, smiling bloodthirstyly and strangely, his eyes were very satisfied, abnormally vicious.

"I'm going crazy, yes, I'm already crazy, don't think about it, I've never been a good person..."

As he spoke, he tied up Da Qiao, and the two of them were tied to two pillars at opposite corners. The smoke was already choking heavily, and Yan Huan couldn't stop coughing.

"Cough cough! You don't want to have a bright future, you don't accept our kindness, you don't want to go back to Fanhai, well, that's your sick self-esteem, I don't care, cough cough cough! you don't even have me and Da Qiao wants his life?! You don’t want your life anymore?!”

She struggled desperately, trying to break the damned spirit cord, her wrists were red from the abrasion, her struggle seemed extremely ridiculous to Ruihuan.

Da Qiao was choked by the thick smoke and had pain in her chest. She shouted hoarsely at Rui Huan, "Don't you like Xiao Qiao? How can you bear to let her die? Don't you just feel aggrieved and want to vent your revenge? You take Xiao Qiao Let it go! The relationship between you and her for so many years..."

"What kind of bullshit affection!"

Ruihuan gritted his teeth, his eyes turned scarlet by the firelight, "That's just my affection for her all these years, why has she ever liked me half a bit?!"

"You want to save her? Sisterhood is deep? I just don't want you all to be happy! God has treated me unfairly, so you all go to die!"

He raised his hand to intensify the fire with his spiritual power, the flames soared into the sky, the chairs and tables were crackling, the flames engulfed the beams, and the house was billowing with smoke, if not burned to death, he would be choked to death!

(End of this chapter)

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