Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1455 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1455 Love Will Never Die (77)

Ruihuan originally wanted to die with them, but seeing the monstrous flames, he retreated cowardly for a moment.

He cannot die.

Why did he have to die?
From the beginning to the end, he didn't make a mistake, it's the injustice of heaven!
If he wants to live, even if he doesn't belong to the red carp clan, no matter what other methods he uses, he must practice to become a high-ranking immortal!

Ruihuan turned into a cloud of spiritual energy, and left from the half-closed window without hesitation.

"Hey! Ruihuan! Ruihuan, come back!"

What answered her was a fire that was burning more and more intensely.

"System! System!"

[The Resurrection Plane does not support the system to provide any help]

"I'm going to die, I have props, I want to use props now!"

[Resurrection plane does not support the use of any props]

"Are you sick!"

Da Qiao's eyes were cloudy with tears from coughing, and her eyes were sore. She tried her best to break Rui Huan's restraint on her aura, listening to Xiao Qiao who seemed to be talking to herself.

"Little Qiao, wait a little longer, soon..."

The beams of the house were burned to the point of breaking, and the flames around them were gradually spreading towards them. The flames licked Yan Huan's skirt, the scorching heat, they were fish gods, and they couldn't bear the heat of the fire the most.

Yan Huan struggled to open his eyes, and in the flames and smoke, he seemed to see the corner of Da Qiao's blood-stained lips.

Could it be that she wants to break through the shackles Ruihuan placed on her spiritual power? !
"elder sister!"

Her voice was shrill, but after shouting, she didn't know what to say.

Now, they have nothing to do.

If Da Qiao didn't break free and use his last spiritual power to save them, he could only wait for death here.


Is this plane, she is about to fail in the strategy again?
Kill it, into the void.

She has suffered enough in each plane, and she is tired.

Da Qiao broke through the shackles of her spiritual power, her whole body was in severe pain like being torn apart, her spiritual energy was slackened, she couldn't help spitting out a big mouthful of blood, first she shook her hands and used her weak spiritual power to relieve Yan Huan. Huan's spirit rope.

"Sister! Sister, quickly loosen the spirit rope, I will carry you out!"

Da Qiao couldn't hear what Yan Huan was saying, she was hurt too badly, her tinnitus covered all the sounds around her, she was so weak that she forced herself to open her eyes and grabbed Yan Huan's hand.

"I can't get out. This is the fire ignited by his spiritual power. The beams of fire are bound together like a cage. If you walk, you can't get out at all."

She tightly grasped Yan Huan's hand, exhausted the last of her spiritual power, and formed a thin protective circle around Yan Huan with a halo of blue light.

"Little Qiao, in the future... I won't be here, you have to work hard to make yourself stronger, so that you won't be bullied in the future."

Da Qiao spoke weakly and intermittently, and Yan Huan's head buzzed.

She looked at the protective circle around her, her heart tightened, and she held Da Qiao's hand tightly, her tone anxious and confused.

"Why did you only give me a protective circle, what about yours, what about your own? We are going out together!"

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she vaguely knew why Da Qiao did this, but she didn't want to believe it.

Da Qiao's vitality was severely injured, and with so little spiritual power left, he couldn't melt into two protective circles at all.

There can only be one protective circle.

Only one person can get out alive.

Da Qiao, give her the circle of protection.

Choice, choice without hesitation, Da Qiao gave her the hope of life.

The elder sister's love and care for her younger sister never need to think or hesitate, it is out of instinct, out of the habit of taking care of her over the years.

(End of this chapter)

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