Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1458 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1458 Love Will Never Die (80)

Yan Huan didn't know how he was sent out.

She couldn't feel who was holding her, holding her.

I couldn't hear who was talking to her, who was shouting.

She didn't know anything and didn't want to know.

Her eyes only stayed on the palace that was engulfed by the raging fire.

What was burned was not only a palace, but also her soul, which was also reduced to ashes along with Da Qiao.

Da Qiao said that the love between the two is not as good as the sisterly love between them.

Yan Huan didn't have time to tell her, but in fact, the same is true for her.

She is going to save Da Qiao!

She must go to rescue Da Qiao!

Even if she and Da Qiao were buried in a sea of ​​flames, it would be better than her lifetime of guilt and heartache.

Zhou Yu was wiping Yan Huan's back with a damp cloth, her eyes were empty, she suddenly stood up and ran towards the monstrous flame.

Zhou Yu didn't grab her with his hand, and chased after a few steps before grabbing Yan Huan.

"Little Joe! You can't go in!"

can't go in...

Yan Huan struggled with his confinement, her voice was hoarse and trembling, she couldn't hear clearly.

"Why don't you let me in? Why don't you let me in!"

Zhou Yu's face was pale, and he was also in a mess, so he should have rushed into the fire to find them.

"You're going to die when you go in. Big Joe sent you out. He definitely doesn't want you to go in and die like that. Calm down, little Qiao..."

Calm down, how can you make her calm down?

In the fire, it was Da Qiao, her own sister, who was suffering and burning. How could she stay calm? !
"It's not your sister in there, of course you don't understand how painful I am!"

"Why don't I understand? If you rush in, if you are burned to death inside, won't I suffer?"

"I am willing to die with her, and I don't want to live alone. I was bought by her. If she is dead, what am I living? What is it?!"

She had no strength to roar, and Sun Ce endured the heart-piercing pain, his eyes were dull, his tone was dull, and he spoke softly without strength.

"She wants you to live, her last wish, don't you want her to fulfill it?"


Da Qiao kept repeating that sentence with his mouth in the firelight, living well.

Those four simple words were like a heavy mountain, pressing down on her body.

Does my sister know how painful it is for her to survive like this?

Living is far more difficult than dying.

Yan Huan bent his lips and chuckled.

Everyone wants her to live, but she doesn't want to live.

The only strength supporting her was emptied because of Sun Ce's words, her heart was in despair, and her body was just an empty shell to her.

Yan Huan's eyes darkened and he passed out.

"Little Joe?"

Zhou Yu hugged her weak body, and Sun Ce sat on the ground in a state of embarrassment, without the air of a king. If Zhou Yu hadn't held him tightly to prevent him from rushing in, he would have been reduced to ashes just like Da Qiao.

Sun Ce looked at the monstrous and insolent fire, his face was flushed by the fire, his eyes were dull, and the raging fire that devoured everything was also burning in his eyes.

"Bo Fu."

Zhou Yu held Yan Huan in his arms with one hand, and lightly patted Sun Ce's shoulder with the other hand.

Just now, Xiao Qiao was also caught in the fire. He had experienced this kind of pain just now, and he felt the same way. He wished he could die with her.

The living suffer more because they still have perception.

There is no need to say any comforting words, Zhou Yu knows that nothing can relieve the pain in Sun Ce's heart at this moment.

"Take Xiao Qiao away, I'll stay here...for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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