Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1459 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1459 Love Will Never Die (81)

I fell into a sleepy and long dream that I didn't want to wake up again.

The painful memories of the two lives were mixed in everything, and every part of her body was aching from the torment, as if the pain was going to tear her whole body apart.

Physical pain is easier to endure, and the oppressive pain in her heart makes her prefer to stay in this dream forever and never wake up again.

She heard someone talking in her ear.

Familiar male and female voices, she ignored all the voices as if escaping, and stayed only in the cage of the dream she wove for herself.

Just let her die alone.

When she woke up, she had to face the pain she didn't want to face.

The appearance of Da Qiao before being engulfed by the fire is engraved in her mind and heart, reminding her over and over again that she can breathe and be conscious now, all because of Da Qiao giving up his life for her.

unwilling to wake up.

There is nothing greater than heartbreak, heartbreak, just wanting to fall into a deep dream like this all the time.

There were footsteps walking back and forth in my ears, and someone was anxious, excited, and angrily reprimanded.

Yan Huan's heart suddenly ached.

There was a sharp pain, like being torn in half.

"Little Joe, wake up."

"Can escape solve the problem?"

"It's all right, it's all right."

At the end, there was a man's deep and comforting voice, "Go to sleep, Xiao Qiao, and wake up after a good sleep, okay?"

She fell into the deep darkness, her aching heart felt a little better, and she was finally able to sleep peacefully with her eyes closed and her heart closed.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, she opened her eyes dimly. The curtain in front of her eyes was embroidered with lotus patterns, and the room was burning with the familiar fragrance of water and lotus. It was the room she lived with Da Qiao in Jujiu Courtyard.

She stared blankly at the top of the curtain, her eyes loose.

After a while, there was a slight knock on the door, and Zhou Yu lifted the bead curtain tiredly, and when he looked up, he saw a pair of lifeless eyes staring at Xiao Qiao on the top of the curtain.

The tiredness in his eyes was instantly replaced by surprise, "Are you awake?"

Yan Huan turned his head to look at him, Zhou Yu carefully helped her sit up, Yan Huan looked at his obviously thin face, and stiffly reached out to caress his face.

"you lost weight."

Her voice was dry and hoarse, Zhou Yu pressed her hand, the tenderness in his eyes was cautious, "You just need to wake up."

He stood up and poured tea for Yan Huan to moisten his throat, Yan Huan blankly looked at all the familiar furnishings around him, his eyes fell on the bulge on his lower abdomen.

She stretched out her hand in disbelief to touch her swollen belly, as if she could feel a little life moving inside.

Her belly got bigger, and she didn't even know how long she slept.

This child with complicated feelings, when she was so hopeless and slumbering, was able to grow up peacefully and obediently.

Zhou Yu turned around after pouring tea, and saw Xiao Qiao staring at her swollen belly in a daze.

He sat by the bed and fed her hot tea with an extremely gentle tone.

"Father-in-law looked at it and said that he looks very good. A child conceived by Lingxian is no weaker than a child in the mortal world. You have suffered such a serious injury and you have been unconscious for a long time. He is very good."

If the children of Lingxian were not forcibly aborted, they would generally not be born.

Wait, Zhou Yu just said, father-in-law?
Yan Huan coughed twice, in disbelief, "My dad is here?"

Zhou Yu nodded, and raised his sleeve to wipe away the tea she coughed up from her lips, "Yes, the night you passed out, my father-in-law and the priests from your clan came."

(End of this chapter)

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