Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1460 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1460 Love Will Never Die (82)

Dad and the high priest could sense Da Qiao's death, so it was normal to come here.

Zhou Yu held her hand, eyes filled with joy, "There is another great thing, you will be happy after hearing it!"

Yan Huan didn't think there could be anything good to cheer her up now.

"Da Qiao was brought back to life, my father-in-law used half of your heart to bring Da Qiao back to life!"

"What did you say?!"

Yan Huan became anxious, coughing uncontrollably, and grabbed Zhou Yu's hand, only to hear her numb heart beating violently again.

"Da Qiao is alive? Are you sure Da Qiao is alive?"

Zhou Yu followed her back distressedly, "Don't worry, how could I lie to you, she is outside, let me help you take a look?"

Yan Huan didn't even have time to put on his clothes, and was about to get out of bed with bare feet, Zhou Yu wrapped her in a quilt and carried her out of the room.

There was no one in the courtyard, except for the guards standing at the door.

"What about her?"

Zhou Yu hugged her and stopped next to the big water tank where the lotus leaves and flowers were once raised. In early autumn, when the weather turned cold, the luxuriant lotus leaves and lotus flowers would have withered long ago. For bleak.

But in the water, there was a very beautiful red carp swimming slowly, flicking its long orange-red tail.

Zhou Yu lowered his voice, for fear of startling the fish inside.

"Look, she's in the water."

this fish...

Yan Huan stared at the red carp in the water, she was swimming very slowly, her long fish tail was swinging in the water, making small ripples, as gentle as Da Qiao.

"Big Joe? Is it really Big Joe?"

She had seen Da Qiao's real body, and it was true, but the red carp in the water tank was very small, as if it had just been born.

"It's Da Qiao. On the night you fainted, my father-in-law and the priest came and rescued Da Qiao from the fire with only the soul left. My father-in-law took half of your heart and gave it to Da Qiao again with spiritual power. Joe fashioned a body."

"Father-in-law said that you are twins, and half of your heart can save Da Qiao. He knew that you and I were married and had a child. He said, you probably don't need this supreme spiritual power, so you didn't go through it." Your consent has cut out half of your heart."

In the previous life, my father said that in the red carp family, the heart of the red carp of the direct line can save any fairy, demon, human or demon who has been greatly injured in the three realms.

She and Da Qiao are twins, and it turns out that half of her heart can save Da Qiao.

Losing half a heart will affect her future practice and immortal journey, and her father also understands her, knowing that since she is willing to marry and have children with ordinary people, she doesn't care about her status.

Whether it's the patriarch, he will ascend to the heavens in the future, and become a high-ranking immortal, he can't compare with Da Qiao.

The fish in the water seemed to know that they were talking about themselves, and they swam up from the deep water, their eyes were clear blue, familiar and gentle.

Really Big Joe.

Yan Huan's nose soured, and tears immediately fell down.

Tears fell into the water tank, causing ripples, and the fish was not disturbed, floating on the water and watching her in a daze.

"elder sister……"

She raised her hand to the surface of the water, her fingertips were pale, the fish jumped out of the water and rubbed against Yan Huan's fingers.

The cold touch was unreal, so she pinched herself hard to confirm whether it was a beautiful dream or a reality.

After heartbroken, there was such an unexpected turn of events. She hugged Zhou Yu's neck tightly, crying and laughing.

"Sister really lived, she really lived..."

(End of this chapter)

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