Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1461 Love Never Withers 0

Chapter 1461 Love Never Dies (End)
The sun was warm in the late autumn morning, and the leaves outside Jujiu's courtyard turned from emerald green to withered yellow. The wind blew past and sprinkled the branches, and the slowly falling leaves were like fluttering butterflies. Yan Huan looked at the tree for a long time.

Her belly is getting bigger and she will give birth in about a month, and she is getting more and more tired.

Sometimes sitting in this yard basking in the sun, talking to Da Qiao, the day passed in such a muddled way.

During the period when she was in a coma, it was hard for her father and the high priest to leave the affairs of the clan, rush over to rescue Da Qiao, and caught Rui Huan again.

Dad said before that if she is as humble and arrogant as she is, she will definitely suffer in the future. The loss she suffered this time made her almost lose her sister.

Ruihuan came to apologize, but she did not forgive.

What kind of things you have done, you can't just say sorry and expose it lightly.

Da Qiao is lucky to have the Yuanshen left. If she didn't even have the Yuanshen back then, even if she dug out her whole heart and gave it to Da Qiao, it would not be able to save her.

"Sister, I just don't forgive him, I'm just stingy."

The fish in the water grew up a bit, and the sound of shaking their tails was louder than before.

Da Qiao didn't grow up slowly from a small fish, but her original body died in the fire before, and her reshaped body still needs to recover slowly.

Before his father left, he told Zhou Yu that at most one year, Da Qiao would be able to transform into a human form.

Fortunately, Sun Ce will not be made to wait for hundreds of years, otherwise I don't know where to find Sun Ce's next life.

"If he hadn't gone crazy like that, everyone wouldn't have been so heartbroken and hopeless back then, and my sister wouldn't have been unable to be together with Sun Ce for so long."

The little girl in her stomach felt her mother's anger, and moved restlessly in her stomach.

Yan Huan sighed softly while stroking his swollen belly, "Daddy and the high priest have never been here again, will they forgive us?"

"When the child in my womb is born, Daddy will never be so cruel, why don't you come and see the three of us..."

Zhou Yu and Sun Ce heard Yan Huan talking to himself outside the door.

She was used to it. She slept until she woke up naturally every day. After getting up, she asked someone to move the soft couch to the yard, and talked to Da Qiao while basking in the sun.

Sun Ce made it easier for her to accompany Da Qiao, and made an exception by granting Jujiu Courtyard to Yan Huan and Zhou Yu to live in the palace. She regarded this as her own home more and more.

Seeing Sun Ce and the others coming in from the door, she stood up while supporting her waist, and said with a smile.

"Your discussions ended so quickly today."

Sun Ce nodded, "A few days ago, the world was initially set, and there were many things to be busy with. Now the arrangements are almost over, and it's easy."

As usual, Sun Ce walked around to the water tank and watched the red carp swimming in the water.

"I was thinking about whether to move her to a more spacious place. The bigger she grows, the smaller the water tank looks."

Yan Huan looked at Da Qiao who was flicking the tail of the fish, "No need, my sister has always liked the lotus leaves and lotus in this tank."

In golden autumn, the sun is golden but not hot, and it is warm and warm on people.

The pain of two lifetimes made her cherish Da Qiao, and cherish everything she has now.

It turns out that God will really give back what you have taken away from you.

Sun Ce was talking to Da Qiao, Yan Huan and Zhou Yu left wisely, Zhou Yu supported her waist, watching her look as tired as a cat, and she became more and more like a mortal.

"Will you regret giving up everything and staying with me in the mortal world?"

Yan Huan leaned on his shoulder and sighed softly.

"My sister is only willing to be a red carp in Sun Ce's eyes, and so am I. I just want to be the jewel in the palm of Lord Gongjin."


 Later planes will be reduced to about 40 chapters

  In the next plane, do you want to see the modern Yuan Ge, or the ancient Zhuang Zhou?
(End of this chapter)

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