Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1467 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1467 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (5)

The former suzerain of the Hengyue Sect was killed half a month ago when he participated in the encirclement and suppression of the Xuanying Sect by the six sects.

How long has it been?

Can the newly appointed suzerain of the Xuanying Sect be able to face her with a smile?

But Yan Huan really had no impression of this person in front of him.

He is handsome and thin, like a frail scholar, not a martial artist who practices Taoism. Miscellaneous, not dignified suzerain.

Yan Huan nodded and smiled, Yuan Yu blushed even more in front of him, and sat back in his seat just now.

She sat in the first seat, and a young disciple made hot tea for her in a hurry.

"I don't know what advice the Sovereign came to the Xuanying Sect today?"

Yuan Yu didn't know whether he was afraid of her or was too polite, so he stood up and bowed again.

"I came here to bother you this time... because, because..."

He stammered and couldn't speak, like a little daughter-in-law, and Yan Huan was impatient, so he really wanted to pry words out of his mouth.

The man sitting behind him couldn't wait any longer, he stood up and bowed quickly, and said hastily.

"Hey, let me tell the story! Miss Mo, our suzerain is pleased with you, and we are here to propose marriage!"

Yan Huan choked on a mouthful of tea and almost spit it out!
She raised her sleeves to cover her face, and coughed violently in a low voice, it was unbelievable!
Doesn't it mean that Mo Nian's personality is unpleasant, although she is beautiful, she is a domineering tigress, so she is only twenty, and the children of ordinary girls will run away, so she doesn't even have a date?
Why would a marriage proposal suddenly appear?

She finished coughing, but still couldn't figure out the reason.

Yuan Yu leaned over and wanted to pat her on the back, but because of Yan Huan's bad reputation, he didn't dare to go forward, and only asked concerned, "Miss Zixi, are you okay?"

It's true that I was almost scared to death by you.

Yan Huan cleared his throat, coughed until his cheeks turned red, and his voice was slightly hoarse.

"Are you kidding me? As for me, don't look at me as an old man, but I'm not worried about getting married earlier."

Yuan Yu hurriedly waved his hands, "No, no, Miss Zixi, I didn't marry you because you were old, oh no, no, you are not very old, you are only in your early twenties, which is the best age! "

He was nervous and incoherent, Yan Huan swallowed with difficulty, and was speechless for a moment.

I thought today would be a bloodbath, but I didn't expect today to be lucky.

Yuan Yu scratched her head in embarrassment and shyness, "To be honest, I have fallen in love with Miss Zixi for a long time, but because the Xuanying School and the Hengyue School are in opposition, when Master was here, I was not allowed to be friends with Miss Zixi. ...I finally got what I wanted, to be able to confide my thoughts with Miss Zixi."

It turned out that I had been secretly in love for a long time, but because of the obstruction of my master, I couldn't tell her.

Now his master is dead...

According to this, he was quite happy when his master died, and he was finally able to marry a wife.

Yan Huan pursed her lips, her face was cold, but she always had such a cold face, and everyone didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Yuan Yu looked at her silently, thinking she was hesitating, and then said excitedly, "If Miss Zixi is willing, I can immediately ask someone to bring the dowry from the Hengyue faction!"

Yan Huan:. . .

Brother, why don't you just say that you have thought of the child's name?
(End of this chapter)

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