Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1468 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1468 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (6)

Although this Yuan Yu seems to be sincere and has liked her for a long time, it's just a pity that Yan Huan doesn't like such a boy.

A domineering person like her needs a man who can restrain her, not such a weak man.

Why marry her back?Do you offer it up as a tigress?

Yan Huan put down the teacup and smiled politely.

"Knowing that Sect Master Yuan has favored me for a long time, I really don't dare to do it. It's only now that the Xuanying School has suffered such a serious blow. I really don't have the heart to consider the personal relationship of my children. I'm sorry."

Yuan Yu was slightly taken aback.

Wait, Miss Zixi said that because the Xuanying School suffered heavy losses, she was not in the mood to think about the love of her children, not...

Say you don't like him.

So, Miss Zixi actually likes him, but it's not easy to get married now?
This idea is simply a shot in the arm for Yuan Yu.

Not only did he not feel overwhelmed by Yan Huan's refusal of his marriage proposal, on the contrary, he suddenly regained his energy as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

"Okay! Okay! Then...then I'll come back after a while, I'm sorry for bothering Miss Zixi, I hope Miss Zixi can, can always remember me..."

What he said earlier was passionate and surging, but what he said later was like a mosquito.

Yan Huan didn't know why he suddenly felt as if he had been spat out.

She twitched the corners of her mouth, stood up and didn't intend to move, "Then... I won't take you far away, I'll bother you to make this trip in vain..."

"I didn't run in vain, I didn't run in vain! I, I think this trip is worth it. Miss Zixi doesn't need to be sent off. I will come back another day..."

Yan Huan couldn't help wondering if the newly appointed suzerain of the Hengyue Sect had a... abnormal head?

"You guys, follow me."

Yan Huan ordered some affairs in the faction, and they were brought up by the master alone, and their seniority was second only to her.

"If there is an emergency, tell your spirit beasts to follow my scent to find me, and you can handle other matters by yourself."

One of them was surprised, "Elder Sister, what are you doing, are you going down the mountain?"

After the death of the suzerain, the affairs of the faction were all handled by the elder sister. Although the younger brother was also in charge, it was just that he was lazy by nature and was not the kind of person who was willing to take care of things.

The eldest sister has always disliked other people's overreach, and she is even more unwilling to entrust others with her own affairs. She has a posture of pinching power in her own hands.

It is also in line with the domineering temperament of the elder sister. After so many years, everyone has gotten used to it. In fact, the elder sister has a good heart and no evil intentions.

Why did you suddenly assign the affairs to everyone today?
Yan Huan nodded, with a anxious expression on his face, "Well, I have something urgent to go down the mountain, you guys have to deal with things well in the party, try not to distract me outside."

Yes, don't let her be distracted when she is in love with Zhuang Zhou.

Although everyone is usually quite dissatisfied with the elder sister, but the cultivation of the elder sister is there, and the elder sister is in the faction, so they can be at peace of mind.

"I'm leaving."

Yan Huan twitched the corner of his mouth, his expression became unnatural, "Where is the Overlord?"

Mentioning the name of her spirit beast is so shameful that people can't open their mouths.

"Playing with other spirit beasts in the backyard, shall I bring them to Eldest Sister?"

"No need."

Yan Huan picked up the sword on the table and left the front hall without looking back.

The name of her spirit beast is so embarrassing, she really doesn't want to see them smiling and shouting softly, "Overlord, Overlord..."

I felt a chill all over my body.

(End of this chapter)

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